The Man On The Moon

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Sarah's voice snapped him out of his daydream. Or maybe it wasn't even a daydream. Maybe he'd actually fallen asleep at the register. It wouldn't surprise him.

He'd stayed up until two in the morning on the phone with Ryan. And they talked about absolutely nothing.

But Ryan couldn't go back to sleep. And it was his fault for waking him up in the first place. So he had to stay on the phone until the kid went to sleep again. It was the least he could do.

"Sorry." He wiped his hand down his face. Turning to face Sarah. "I didn't get much sleep last night."

"It's okay." She smiled. "Patrick's in the back whipping up a batch of chocolate mints. I have to deliver this to the usual office." She held up the box in her hand.

"Okay." Brendon nodded. "Hurry back."

"Of course." She called over her shoulder as she walked out the door.

The door didn't have a chance to close before another hand was grabbing onto it. Swinging it open again.

And in walked Ryan Ross. Looking like he'd just gotten ten hours of sleep. He was wearing a pair of white pants and a peach button up. His shoes were the same shade of beige as his scarf.

He walked right up to the counter. Dropping the gold band in front of Brendon. Brendon immediately picked it up and slid it on his finger.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Ryan reached out to play with the fake flowers decorating the counter. "You look tired."

"I am tired."

"Why are you so tired?"

His eyes narrowed in on Ryan's smirk.

"Some brat kept me up all night."

"Brat?" He repeated comically. "How rude!"

"How are you not tired?"

"I don't have to wake up as early as you do. And I'm younger. I have more energy."

"Are you calling me old?"

"I don't know. How old are you anyway?"

"Twenty six."

Ryan smiled. "That's not too old."

"Not too old to what?"

Ryan only smiled again. He was so good at smiling.

"I want a cupcake."


"A cupcake. You do sell those, right?"

Brendon rolled his eyes at how easily Ryan avoided the question.

"What kind?"

"That one." He pressed his finger against the glass. "The one with the white icing and red sprinkles."

Brendon didn't bother putting on his gloves. He reached in and grabbed the cupcake. Placing it on a napkin and sitting it in Ryan's waiting hand.

"Is that all?"

"I guess so." He ran his finger over the top. Smudging the perfect shape of it. "My manager told me to stop indulging in so many sweets."

"So you're not going to listen to him?"

"I am." Ryan continued to rub his finger on the top of the cupcake.

"But you're still eating sweets."

"But just the top of it." He stuck his finger into his mouth. Bringing it out slowly and icing free. "It doesn't count if it's only the tip."

Brendon's jaw dropped at the obvious innuendo. What the hell happened to the kid from yesterday? The sad one who'd never even been kissed before?

"Well," He pulled a corner of the napkin. Pulling it out of Ryan's reach. "I think it still counts."

"Hey! That was mine."

"Now it's mine." Brendon dipped his finger in the top of the cupcake. He licked his finger clean.

Ryan laughed freely. Brendon smiled. It was impossible to get tired of hearing that.

"You have something right here."


Ryan reached over to rub his thumb against the corner of Brendon's mouth. He brought his hand closer to his face to inspect it. And then he licked it. The same way Brendon had done his own finger. Except Ryan did it differently. Ryan made it sexy.

Brendon couldn't take his eyes off of Ryan's lips. Even after he was done licking his finger. He was completely fixated. Especially since he was the first person to ever kiss those lips.

It gave him a feeling of accomplishment. Entitlement. Those were his lips. He was the first to explore and take claim. That must be bow Neil Armstrong felt when be stuck that flag on the moon.

One small step for him and Ryan. One giant fall through for his marriage.

"Are you okay, Brendon?" Ryan waved his hand in front of his face. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Uh, I was just uh. I was thinking about something."

"What were you thinking?"

"About the first man on the moon."

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