We Meet Again

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Turn left.

Dallon's GPS instructed. He swerved the car to the left. His back tire barely missing the edge of the sidewalk. He knew it was a bad idea to drive while his head was a mess. But he also knew if he didn't confront him now, he'd lose his will to. He was going to go kick the kid's ass. He was sleeping with his husband after all.

He knew something was wrong but he made himself believe anything but that. That was until Brendon left his cracked phone in the house when he went to hang with Patrick.

Dallon saw everything. The texts, the late night phone calls. He broke down. The man he'd loved for years was cheating on him. And he knew he wouldn't be strong enough to confront him about it. So he'd called up his parents and had them pick him up.

He spent his entire Saturday crying into his mother's arms. Telling her and his father about Brendon's infidelity. Sunday he'd just laid in bed all day. Still not wanting to face what his husband had done. Monday morning he was a little bit stronger. His took his father's car and drove back home. And that when he saw Brendon kissing Ryan right in front of their fucking house. The balls of that man! How fucking dare he?!

But that wasn't the worse part. The worse part came when he recognized Ryan. The kid he met at the bakery. How had he not made that name connection? He spend a couple of hours in their house and he'd taken his husband from him! Dallon was so nice to him! He invited him into his house with open arms and the kid ended up between his husband's legs. There was no way he was just going to get away with that.

So Dallon rushed to the bakery. He had to get there before Brendon did. It only took a few questions to Patrick for him to realize how full of shit his husband really was. He'd been lying to him for weeks. So he went through the list of regular customer deliveries until he finally found Ryan's address. Now he was on his way to that bastard's house.

He slammed on the breaks when the GPS told him he'd reached his destination. Of course he would live in an amazing apartment building. Dallon was happy when the doorman didn't stop him or question him.

He looked down at the paper in his hand. Ryan lived on the eleventh floor. How was he supposed to get up there? He could tell this was one of those buildings with the keypad code on each floor.

He slipped Brendon's phone from his pocket and sent a text.

Brendon: I'm here. Let me in.

The response was instantaneous.

Ryan: Just come on up. I just got out of the shower.

Brendon: What's the code again?

As soon as the the text came, Dallon was rushing into the elevator. He practically pushed the number eleven button into the wall. When the elevator stopped, he put in the code and waited for the doors to open.

Ryan was standing there waiting when they slid open. His black robe and wet hair showing that he did just get out the shower.

"Hello, Dallon."

He stepped off the elevator and the doors closed behind him. "You knew it was me, didn't you?"

"Of course I knew it was you. Brendon's been here way too many times to have suddenly forgotten the code. And he doesn't text when he's on his way."

"Yet you still let me up."

"I figured if you wanted to talk that badly, I might as well listen." He ran his hand through his wet hair. "How was my recipe by the way? Did it come out well?"

"Maybe you should have stayed for dinner and found out yourself."

"Couldn't." He sighed. "Brendon wanted me gone. And what daddy wants. Daddy gets."

"Did you know you were going to fuck my husband when you left?"

"Oh honey." He laughed. "I had already fucked your husband by then."

How had he been so stupid? Of course they were seeing each other before Dallon met him. Patrick's fake arrest happened before the dinner did.

"So befriending me in the bakery was some sick thrill for you?"

"This whole experience has been a sick thrill for me." Ryan smiled. "Especially the night I slept with his wedding ring on. You don't even want to know the things I did with your symbol of love."

Anger got the best of Dallon. He drew back and slammed his fist into Ryan's face. He stumbled but he didn't fall. His hand reached up to touch his nose. It wasn't leaking blood but there was a little dripping from his nostril. He brought his finger to his mouth and licked it clean.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass right now."

"Because you'd be in handcuffs by the time you reached the doors downstairs."

"You don't even care that you broke up a happy home, do you?"

"No." Ryan smiled. "I don't give a shit about your home."

"You're disgusting." Dallon spit the words. "How do you sleep at night?"

"Usually with your husband."

Dallon punched him again. This time leaving the blood trickling from his lip. Ryan sucked his lip into his mouth to stop the bleeding. Dallon slammed his fist against the elevator button. It opened automatically.

"This isn't over." He glared back at Ryan.
There was nothing else he could say or do to the kid. He just wanted to leave him with a threat.

"Whatever." Ryan scowled. The door began shutting. Right before they closed completely Ryan yelled, "And kiss his neck more during sex. He likes that."

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