Empty Houses And Makeup Sex

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Brendon didn't stumble back into the front door of his own house until Sunday morning. And not at like 12:00 or 3:00 am. He didn't walk through that door until 7:32 am.

Ryan had more friends than he thought. Oh, who was he kidding? He met three people and Ryan barely seemed to know them himself. One was the boy with the tattoos. One was a girl with glitter all over her face. And the third wasn't even important enough to remember.

They spent the entire party closed up in Ryan's bedroom. Destroying the sheets that he promised The maids would be happy to clean.

And while last night was fun, he knew it wouldn't be worth the hell he was going to go through right now. Dallon was going to be livid. This one would be a fight to remember.

Hopefully Dallon went to bed early and wouldn't notice Brendon never came back. And then he could sneak into the bed before he woke up and lie about what time he got in.

He closed the door as quietly as he could. Walking on his tip toes towards the bedroom. The lights were off and and blinds were down. But also, the bed was empty. Brendon flipped the light switch. His eyes scanned the empty room for his husband but he was no where in sight. He opened the bathroom door and was met with the same emptiness.

After searching the entire house - twice - he was finally ready to admit to himself that Dallon was gone. But there was no where the man could really be. It's not as if he had a job or a social life. Ryan was the first friend he'd made in forever and that sure as hell didn't last.

He was probably at his parent's house. When ever they got into an argument that he couldn't handle, he'd run to mommy and daddy instead of facing Brendon. He hadn't done it since they got married though. But then again, they hadn't had an actual argument since they got married. Things were always to boring and scheduled for a fight.

Maybe fighting with Dallon wasn't such a bad thing. It was the first interesting thing they'd even done in a while. They were too young to have a relationship so boring. The make up sex from that fight would have been fantastic. Everything about them used to be fantastic. They were predictable now. The spark was gone.

But with Ryan, the spark was just beginning. He was young enough to still see the world through rose colored glasses. There was always something new with him. New ideas. New adventures. New positions. New friends. He kept Brendon on his toes the way Dallon used to.

Things were complicated with Ryan. He knew his place and he played his part perfectly. And maybe he went off the handle sometimes. Like getting arrested or trying to befriend Dallon. But isn't that what the spark was about?

If Dallon wanted to leave Brendon and go to his parent's house, that was fine. He didn't need him right now.

He stalked to the kitchen and snatched the house phone from the wall. Ryan's number was embedded into his skull. He dialed it in and waited through the rings.

"Hello?" He answered tiredly. He was asleep when Brendon left.


"Brendon. I just realized you left without waking me up, you asshole."

"I'm sorry." Brendon smiled into the phone. "Could you do me a favor and come over?"

"Over where?"

"My house."

"You're playing with fire, Bren."

"Dallon isn't here. He's at his parent's house because we fought."

"Why would he not want to have make up sex?"

"That exactly what I was saying! So do you want to have it instead?"

"We didn't even fight." He chuckled.


"I'd love to. You know I would. But I told you yesterday that I had plans today."

"Cancel." The word came out harder than he intended. The thought of Ryan meeting up with another man just made him angry.

"You sounded daddy as fuck just then." He said in a low voice. "I'm on my way."

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