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Brendon still hadn't heard from Dallon when Monday came around.

Ryan stayed the night in his house. But he wasn't bold enough to leave him there sleeping while he went to work. Dallon could come home at any time of the day while he was gone and he didn't want to risk that.

So he woke Ryan up when he got up. He washed his back while he was in the shower. They ate cereal together since Dallon wasn't there to cook his usual breakfast. They parted ways at driveway. Brendon got in his car and Ryan got in his. They even kissed before separating. Hopefully there were no nosey neighbors peeking through blinds or anything.

Brendon was in a great mood when he walked into the bakery. He was a little late so Sarah and Patrick had already opened up. Sarah was at the front counter which meant Patrick was in the back, baking.

"Good morning, Brendon." Sarah smiled.

"Good morning." He walked past her to pick up his apron.

"You just missed Dallon."

His hand froze on the cloth. "What?"

"He came in just as we were opening. He looked through a few thing and then he spoke to Patrick in the back."

"What did they talk about?"

"No idea. But he told me to kiss you for him. So here!" She lifted onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips to Brendon's cheek.

Brendon didn't respond. He pushed opened the kitchen door. Patrick was rolling dough into circles on one of the tables. He jumped and spun around when he heard the door open. The guilty look on his face was enough to make Brendon feel sick with worry.

"What did you tell him?"

"It's not my fault!" Patrick held his hands up in surrender.

"What. Did. You. Tell. Him?"

"I think the better question is what I didn't tell him. He just came in all friendly and asking a bunch of questions. It stared off pretty normal. He asked about my weekend and how my day was going so far-"

"Patrick, get to the point!"

"And then he asked if I had fun with you on Saturday."

"What did you tell him?"

"That I hadn't seen you since Friday."

"Damn it, Patrick!" He kicked the leg of the table. Flour scattered around the room."

"I didn't know!"

"What else?"

"He asked if I'd ever been arrested and of course I told him no."


Brendon began pacing back and forth. His hands fidgeting as he tried to take everything in. So Dallon knew he was lying. That didn't mean he knew about Ryan. He just needed to come up with a lie. Maybe Ryan could even help him. He was great at lying.

"Am- Am I fired?" Patrick asked.

Brendon stopped pacing to look at him.

"No. You didn't know."

"If you would have just told me, I would have covered for you. But you didn't warn me."

"I know. I was stupid." He patted Patrick on the back. "But it's cool man."

"A-Are you cheating on Dallon?"

"No." His laugh was strained. "Just a secret project I'm working on to surprise him."

He visibly relaxed. He smiled and Brendon forced a smile back.

"I hope I didn't ruin your surprise."

"I hope you didn't either."

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