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Two Months Later

"I'm going to make this delivery." Sarah called out from in front of the door. She held up the box of cookies for Brendon to see. "Be back in a bit."

"Make it quick." He called back just before the door closed.

He looked down at the counter. Noticing the napkins and business cards were out of order. He began sorting through them. Stacking them by colors. Pink cards go near the pink napkins. Blue cards go near the blue napkins.

He was so engrossed in the mediocre task that he almost didn't notice the customer approaching the counter. Almost because he did feel the shadow looming over him. He didn't bother to even look up as he said the usual greeting.

"Welcome to Brendon's Bakery. How may we satisfy your sweet tooth today?"

"You don't even look up when you greet customers anymore? Can I talk to the owner about this shitty service?"

"I am the owner." Brendon looked up in annoyance. "Dallon?!"

"Hey." He smiled.

He looked amazing. His hair was longer and he had it flipped back. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a button up shirt.

"What are you doing here?"

He hadn't spoken to him in months. Their lawyers were doing all the talking for them lately. Not that they really needed them. It was a mutual divorce. But there was still legal issues to work out. And even when their lawyers met to talk, Dallon and Brendon didn't. Dallon made it clear that he never wanted to see him again. Their final meeting would be in a week and then the divorce would be finalized.

"I wanted to talk to you. Without the lawyers and papers and nonsense."

"Talk to me?"

"Yes." He laughed. "How have you been?"

"I- uh good. As good as I can be."

"I've been doing terrible too." He smiled.

Brendon laughed. "I miss you so much, Dal."

"I miss you too."

"Then why are we doing this?"

"Because I don't want to be married to a cheating husband."

"I understand." He hung his head.

"But... I wouldn't mind dating a newly single, really sorry guy."

"What?" His gaze snapped back up to his.

"Maybe, after the divorce, we could start over. Try dating again and if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work."

"And if it does?"

Dallon smiled wider. "Then it does."

"I think I like that."

"You are single right?" His expression darkened. "You're not still with-"

"No." He interrupted before he could say his name. "Of course not. That was just-"

"I don't want to talk about it. After the divorce is finalized, we'll discuss our date and see where it goes from there."


"I'll see you later, Brendon."

"I love you, Dallon." He needed to say it.

Dallon paused before smiling again. He loved that smile. "I love you too."

Brendon watched him walk through the glass doors. Was that real? Did that actually just happen? All those wishes on those stars were starting to take effect! He was getting his husband back.

He opened the cash register and pulled it all the way out. Diving through the change for his ring. He'd kept it there since the breakup. It was too painful to have in the house. His fingers touched the gold band and he snatched it out. He wouldn't be putting it back on anytime soon, but he wanted to look at it.

"I want four double chocolate chip cookies, two M&M cookies, one strawberry and one sugar cookie." He hadn't even heard the customer come in. He glanced up into the dark eyes of none other than Ryan Ross. "And can you put it on one of those pretty plates?"

"Why are you here?"

"Obviously for your yummy cookies."

"We you haven't wanted my cookies in two months."

"I was on a diet." He smiled. "I quit."

Brendon rolled his eyes. He dropped the ring back into the register. He began stacking the cookies on the plate. He handed it to Ryan when he was done.

"You know how much it is."

"Keep the change." He handed him a twenty. "And could you sit with me? I want to talk to you"

"I have work to do."

"I'll make it quick."

He eyed him warily. What were the chances of Dallon and Ryan both walking into his bakery, minutes apart, after all this time? This had to be some kind of test. Like when Eve dangled the forbidden fruit in front of Adam's face.

But Brendon wasn't that stupid. Or was he? He stared over at Ryan. At his forbidden fruit. He was wearing all black. From his shirt to his shoes. Looking every bit like the devil he was. His lips parted into a smile. A smile that did things to Brendon's insides. Damn it, he'd always loved fruit anyway.

"Let's talk then."

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