Special Delivery

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One day went by without any sign from Ryan.

And then one day turned into two days.

Two days turned in to three days.

Pretty soon a week had past and Ryan was sill no where to be seen. Though Brendon could admit that he missed him a little , he was happy he was gone. With Ryan gone, a lot of the guilt was gone. Not all of it, but enough for Brendon to be able to look Dallon in the eyes again.

Dallon was even coming to work with him two days a week now. Though the reason he was coming was because Brendon lied to him. He still enjoyed having him there. Now he could get twice the baking done in the back while somebody was working the register and have someone making the deliveries.

"Welcome to Brendon's Bakery. How can we satisfy your sweet tooth today?"

He smiled at the familiar greeting coming from his husband's mouth. It was so cute when he said it. But the customer's response made his smile disappear.

"I ordered three dozen cupcakes for an office meeting party three hours ago and they still haven't come."

Brendon wiped his hands and walked from the back room. He nodded towards Sarah to signal for her to keep shaping the cookies while he left. He walked up to the cash register. Dallon stepped out of his way.

"What was your order number?" He asked the man.

"Uh," his hands rummaged through his thin pockets. "27."

Brendon looked down at the delivery schedule on the counter. Patrick was making deliveries today and he only had two to make this morning. Brendon lifted the order papers to find the address to the delivery Patrick had to make before the office party. It wasn't one of their regulars. Maybe he got lost.

He took out his phone and dialed Patrick's number. It went straight to voicemail. Son of a bitch. He always leaves his phone dead.

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, sir. We'll have your cupcakes delivered by the hour with a 75% discount."

"Thank you." The man nodded. Leaving the store satisfied.

"What was that about?" Dallon asked.

"Patrick is lost. I have to go find that idiot." He grabbed his thin jacket as he walked to the door. "You're in charge while I'm gone."

"I'm in charge while you're here too." He called back. Brendon laughed.

He hopped into the car. Typing the address into the GPS. He was going to look around the streets as he drove. Seeing if he saw Patrick on the way there.

As he drove, the streets began to look distantly familiar. He didn't dwell too much on it. He just continued steering the car in the direction that the detached GPS voice was instructing.

He pulled to a stop on a dead end road. A road with high end buildings on each side. This was where Ryan lived. And Patrick's car was parked a few feet ahead.

Brendon stormed out of the car and towards the building. The doorman opened the door as he was walking up to it.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Brendon."

He paused in the doorway. "How do you know my name?"

"Mr. Ross told me your name the morning after you visited, sir. He was very excited about you."

The familiar guilty feeling rejoined Brendon. He'd walked through and taken the kids virginity and then kicked him out of his house. He must be heartbroken.

An idea clicked in his head.

"I'm very excited about him as well. That's why I came to surprise him."


"Yes. Is he in?"

"Yes, sir."

"Is there anyway I can go up there and surprise him?"

"Well there's a master pass code the owner uses for the penthouse entrance. But the front desk will have to approve it for you."

"Do you think you could do it for me? It's really important."

The doorman glanced over at the empty front desk.

"Well, they're on break so I guess I could sneak you in."

"Thank you!"

They both walked to the front desk together. The doorman rummaged through a few things before coming up with a small card. He handed it to Brendon. There were eleven numbers written on it.

Brendon thanked him as he headed to the elevators. He presses the button for the top floor and waited. He'd find Patrick later. Right now he needed to apologize to Ryan and tell him nicely why they couldn't be together.

The elevator stopped smoothly. The doors remained closed. Brendon typed in the numbers from the card. Anticipation building in his stomach. The two doors slid away from each other. Exposing him to the luxurious apartment.

"Ryan?" He yelled the name. No response came.

He slowly walked past the sitting room and into the large kitchen. It was vomit and glass free. Thank god for whoever was their cleaning people.

He took the hall connected to the kitchen. The opposite way from the bathroom. This must be where Ryan's bedroom was.

He opened the first door but it was a closet. Full of coats and scarfs. He closed the door again and continued down the hall. He opened the second door and his eyes widened.

Well, he'd found the bedroom. Ryan was lying on his back on top of the large bed. His legs were spread and Patrick was resting between them. They were too endorsed in their make out session to notice Brendon walking into the room.

Jealous made his stomach turn. Jealousy and betrayal. What the fuck was going on? Ryan was his. He was his first kiss and he took his virginity. He'd planted his flag of ownership on those grounds already.

So why the hell was Patrick all over him when he was supposed to be working? Why was Patrick touching someone who belonged to him?! Brendon rushed to the bed and yanked Patrick off of him. It was time for him to get his answers.

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