Nobody Likes Westerns

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There's something to be said about a man who can live two lives and not slip up every once in a while.

Kissing two men. Holding two men. Having sex with two men. Loving two men. It sounded like a dream come come true. But Brendon didn't take into consideration that he would also have to spend quality time with two men. Keep both of them happy. Make both of them feel special. Argue with both of them. It was a lot more than he originally thought he would have to put up with.

So of course he slipped up. Any normal man would have eventually. It wasn't anything too big. Just a mix up of words. But it also wasn't small enough to be brushed aside or forgotten.

It was Saturday. And like all Saturday mornings he was spending it cuddling on the couch with Dallon and watching TV. Well, half of that was true. He was cuddled on the couch with his husband. But he wasn't paying any attention to the TV. He was focused on the phone in his hand, hiding beside his leg.

There were constant messages coming in from Ryan. And if Brendon took longer than ten minutes to reply to one, Ryan would call. And if Brendon didn't answer that phone call, there would be hell to pay.

Ryan: I want to go out tonight.

Brendon: You know tonight isn't your night. I have to spend it with Dallon.


Brendon sighed and Dallon glanced over at him. His eyes tried to search his to find the problem.

"Are you okay?" He asked when he wasn't able to guess the problem.

"Yes, it's just-"

"It's the movie, isn't it?"


"I could tell you weren't really into it. You've barely been paying attention this whole time. It's okay. You're just not in to Western films."

"No. No. You picked a great movie. I like it a lot."

"What was the main character's name?"

Brendon glanced at the paused movie on the TV screen. There was a middle aged man with a cowboy hat and a dirty beard on the screen. He looked away from the screen and back at Dallon. Who was waiting with an amused look on his face.

"Gus?" He sounded about as confident as he felt.

"It's Derek!" Dallon slapped him arm playfully.

"Okay! Fine. I didn't like the movie."

"I knew it! What would you like to watch?"

"Whatever you want to watch."

Dallon began shuffling through the stack of DVDs laid out on the table. Brendon quickly typed a message back to Ryan while he wasn't looking.

Brendon: Tomorrow we can do whatever you want to do. All day.

Ryan: I'm busy tomorrow.

Brendon: Busy with what?

Ryan: Stuff.

Brendon: What stuff? Something or someone?

Ryan: Someone...

Brendon: Who? Do I know them?

Ryan: I don't ask you about your husband. You don't ask my about my busy schedule.

Brendon: Don't you dare go there with me!

"That's what it is!" Dallon reached over and snatched the hidden phone from Brendon's hands. "That's why you haven't been paying attention!"

"Hey! Give me my fucking phone."

He didn't mean to sound so snappy. Ryan was just putting him in a bad head space. Who was he going to see? What if he was cheating on him? But his rude words didn't faze his husband.

"No way, Jose! You're ruining movie day!"

"Dallon, seriously. Give me the phone."

"Why?" He held it out of his reach. "Are you doing something important up here?" He turned the phone to look at the screen.

"Damn it, Ryan! Stop being so fucking annoying and give me the phone!" He slapped his arm. Sending the small phone crashing to the floor.

"What'd you just call me?"

There it was. The slip up. So small. So simple. So huge. So complicated.

Dallon crossed his arms over his chest. Waiting for the explanation that Brendon hadn't quite come up with yet.

"I said Dallon." Poor excuse. The best he could do.

"No. No, you didn't." Dallon stood up from the couch. "You called me someone else's name. You called me-"

"No I did not!" Brendon stood up too.

"Yes you did! And you hurt my arm!"

"I hardly touched you!" Brendon only focused on the last part. Hoping it'd take Dallon's attention away from the name.

"No. Hardly touching me is what you've been doing in the bedroom lately. What you just did was hit me."

"Oh, please! Don't you try to blame lack of sex on me. You're the one who's never in the mood."

"That's because you're always in a bad mood. What is with you lately?"

"What is with me? What's with you?"

"You've been acting differently since I've been working at the bakery with you. Do you not want me there anymore?"

"Don't try to flip that on me. You just don't want to be there!"

"You're being ridiculous." Dallon wasn't arguing anymore. He exhaled sadly. "I can't deal with this right now."

"Fine, you don't have to." Brendon pushed passed him. Heading to the front door. He snatched his jacket from the coat rack. "I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Out with Patrick."

Dallon jumped at the sound of the door being slammed shut.

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