Chapter 4- Flipside

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A few months later...

Sarah swore quietly to herself, trying to pull up the zipper of her trademark, all black suit. She was running out of time to get to breakfast (actually dinner, as it took place in the night, but for her it would be the first meal of the day) and she had to get this on before her roommate, Kia, saw her struggling. Because Kia, the stick thin ghost, would never understand. Sarah was in a bit of a predicament. Unlike most people after a few months at Tanya's school, instead of losing weight, Sarah had put it on. She didn't know why, though it may have been in reaction to stealing other people's food, sneaking into the kitchens after lights out... Okay, so maybe she did know why. But the thing was, Sarah was a true kleptomaniac, but the teachers here knew that and kept everything nailed to the floor in her proximity. Literally. Not so much as a pencil had found its way into Sarah's collection since she had started school a few months ago, and it was driving her nuts. The only thing that was possibly available to steal was food, and what does one do with food? That's right. You eat it. So, recently, her once thin frame was now getting harder and harder to get into her tight black suits, and since she hadn't brought anything else with her to wear, she was stuck. Sarah turned around in the mirror, moving aside her curtain of black hair and narrowing her red eyes, a fang poking over her lip as she grimaced in concentration, sucking in a breath of air and trying to get the zipper up. It was already halfway there, but after the middle point, it wouldn't move another inch up her pale back.

"Having trouble, I see?" Kia's floaty voice whispered into the room as she glided in.

"AH!" Sarah yelled, swore, and turned her back to the wall to hide it from Kia. "Uh, no." Kia's grey eyes narrowed, and she floated towards Sarah, her long silver hair flowing behind her along with her bloodstained white dress. Kia was a ghost, and met a rather bloody end, which happened a lot in the business they were in. Thankfully, she had been brought back to life by some strange scientist, and sent here.

"Don't deny it Sarah, I can clearly see it," Kia murmured, drifting through Sarah and floating out the other side. Sarah shivered. She hated it when Kia did that. "You're suit's a little tight, hm? And weren't you a bit slow in yesterday's training exercise?"

"I'm no slower than I was before, asshole," Sarah muttered from behind Kia. It was Kia's turn to jump in shock, she hadn't even seen the vampire move. Since Kia was a ghost, though, she didn't have to worry about Sarah hurting her, just about Sarah startling her. "Now do me a favor and expand this thing." Kia sighed, but obeyed her roommate, sinking into the fabric and using her ghostly gifts to melt into it, then warmed it so the fabric stretched, and also aided it by pushing the molecules out a bit. Sarah used this opportunity to zip herself up, sighing in relief. Kia jumped out of the fabric and back into the room.

"You have a hole in your panties," Kia giggled.

"Pervert!" Sarah screamed at her, and the two raced off to breakfast together. The two were practically inseparable, because as a vampire and a ghost, not many people wanted to socialize them. Though, being middle school aged students, they socialized about the two, as in gossip. Mainly about Sarah's expanding waistline, and there were several rumors circling that the two may be a lesbian couple. But no one wanted to confront them about it. Vampire and a ghost, and all. Sarah and Kia entered the dining hall, confronted by quite a different scene than what Dawn and Chameleon had faced. This was mainly impacted by the fact that Sarah and Kia were in the other class, the night class, the so called darker flipside for the school of heroes, for within the school of heroes, there was a school of villains. Because, as had been thoroughly explained to them by all their teachers, without the villains, the heroes would have no one to fight. The heroes would have no one to prevail against, they would just be people in tights yelling orders. So, it was important to train the next generation of villains, too. That's why they got examined by the machine when they got here, to determine if they would be in the hero class or the villain class. The hero class was unaware of the villain class, if they knew of the nighttime happenings of the school, there would be outrages and riots. Evil was something the heroes viewed as despicable, and if they knew the very school they were going to was encouraging such a thing... Well, it wouldn't be pretty.

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