Chapter 7- Letters

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"S***!!!!" Chameleon yelled, holding her foot in pain. The ghostly girl may seem insubstantial, but she was certainly able to kick pretty hard with her transparent bare feet.

"Well that could have gone better," Dawn sighed, leaning her head on James. She got a fluttery feeling when she did so, but no matter how much Chameleon teased or pushed, Dawn and James hadn't quite hooked up. They were still pretty comfortable around each other, though, and James reassuringly stroked Dawn's electric blue hair.

"Well," James sighed, "It's not like we can force them to join."

"We'll just have to try harder to get some more teammates," Chameleon said with a determined grimace. Then the three all headed back to their dorms.


Dear Author,

You said there wouldn't be any death or end of the world crap, and now here we are with a secret villain part of the school and these odd Games. These new developments won't interfere at all in the story, right?


A Reader.

Dear Reader,

I apologize, as I quite forgot our letters at the beginning of the book. I just got bored without a driving plot, I apologize again, and I know I will have to do something to make up for you, as there may be death and destruction with these new developments. Would you be willing to meet me in person for further details? I'm afraid these letters will get intercepted, and the details will be leaked. Forgive me for being paranoid.


The Author.


A small girl with dark skin and hair pitch black, wearing a plain blue t-shirt and jeans sat in a chair across from a tall person with dirty blond hair, who was wearing a red shirt and jeans.

"I got your letter," The dark haired girl stated, simply.

"Yes. It is so good to meet a reader in person. It makes the feeling that someone is reading my books all the more real," The person smiled. "Now, I do believe I owe you a favor."

"Yeah. In your book, Specials, you told me there wouldn't be any death or anything. Just kids with powers having fun. Now, you've written in a secret villain school, and The Games, and I get a distinct feeling they aren't going to be that good for the lives of the characters. You definitely owe me something," The dark haired girl bargained.

The person nodded, then, "Understood. Now, you know how there has to be six members on a team for the Games?"

"Uh-huh," The dark haired girl nodded, not sure how this tied into the bargain.

"With Chameleon, Dawn, James, Kia, and Sarah, if they managed to get the last two on board, there would only be five members," The author continued. It dawned on the dark haired girl, realization lighting up her deep brown eyes and a gasp slipping from her lips.

"You don't mean-?!"

"That's right," the author nodded. "Now, what powers do you think you would like to have?"

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