Chapter 6- Visitors

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"Are we ready?" Dawn asked, standing in front of door 472, hand raised to knock.

"Yeah," James agreed.

"What if they're not even here? Why is their dorm in a different place in the school from the rest of our dorms?" Chameleon rattled nervously.

"This was your idea!" Dawn hissed at her. Then, she pushed her hand forwards and knocked three times. They didn't have to wait long until there were some muffled thumps from behind the door, and after a few minutes there was a clicking noise and the door swung open to reveal a chubby girl wrapped in a black bathrobe. Her black, wavy hair was messy and spread over her shoulders, and her red eyes were squinting against the sudden light. Dawn felt herself wondering, had this girl been taking a nap? Lights out wasn't for a whole more three hours. Were they even allowed to call it an early night? Then Dawn held in a little gasp of realization. It was the girl she had run into on her first day of school, a few months ago, who had been carrying those cakes! Only now, of course, she looked like she had just been in a deep sleep.


Sarah had been woken up three hours before her alarm went off by a few knocks on the door. Kia had heard them, but had conveniently slipped off to the bathroom as soon as she woke up. So it was left to Sarah attend to the door. She opened it, and immediately regretted it as her sensitive vampire eyes were suddenly assaulted with a burst of color and, worst of all, bright light. It took her brain a few seconds to process that the blob of pink on her right was actually a girl with hot pink skin, and that electric blue topped smudge was a girl with bright blue hair. And the orangish speckle right there was a boy with orange lamps of eyes and a head that was- shudder at the thought- blasting flame. Fire is one of the few things that can kill vampires, and Sarah had an automatic reflex built in to shrink away from flame. Then it filtered through her mind that she should probably say something to these odd apparitions.

"What the hell do you want?" She growled out. Not the nicest thing, but Sarah wasn't the nicest person. Her strategy was usually get the job done without talking to too many people. Communicating was Kia's thing. Where was Kia? Oh, right, hiding. Sarah could only hope that she came out soon because she wasn't sure she could last very long without slamming the door on the three people.


"Um, yeah, we met your roommate a few days ago? Kind of grey, real skinny-" James started talking, not too smoothly, and Dawn elbowed him in the ribs when he mentioned weight, but he rattled on without notice, "Sort of ghost-like, this is her room, right?"

"Yeah. But what the hell do you want?!" The girl said empathetically. A figure glided up behind her, with silver hair and dark grey skin. She floated through the first girl, coming in front with a gesture like 'let me handle this.' The two girls looked like polar opposites, one clothed in black and the other draped in a white nightgown. Sarah grumbled something and stalked off to get some actual clothes on, and to brush her hair.

"Hi, sorry about my roommate. She's a bit of a bear," The ghostly girl smiled at the three heroes outside her door. "I'm Kia, by the way."

"I'm James, and this is Dawn and Chameleon," James smiled, gesturing to the two girls in turn.

"Okay. That's cool. My roommate's name is Sarah, and... We were just calling it an early night. Bit of a long day," Kia improvised quickly. She had to hide the fact that they were part of the night school, the villain classes, at any cost. The teachers had made it clear that if the heroes found out about the villains, there would be hell to pay.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt you," James apologized politely.

"It's okay. Why are you here, by the way?" Kia inquired. She wasn't quite sure how to ask what they wanted in a very polite way, but this was the best she could do.

"We've been assembling a team for The Games, they're coming up soon, you know, and we only have three right now. We were wondering if you would like to join?" Dawn posed this question, a hand resting on James' shoulder.

"I would love to, but I can't, sorry," Kia apologized. Sarah reappeared behind her, wearing her skintight jumpsuit and her hair brushed, her red eyes still squinting against the bright light. Kia went to shut the door, but Chameleon inserted a black combat boot in the frame, preventing her from shutting it.

"Why not?" Chameleon demanded, her skin bright red now. After coming all the way down to the opposite wing of the school, she wasn't going to back off that easily.

"We're awful and you wouldn't like us. We don't work well with others. We don't have a good skill set," Sarah shouted from behind Kia. Kia grimaced.

"We're preoccupied," Kia smiled, then kicked Chameleon's foot out of the doorframe and slammed the door.

"Thank god," Sarah said with relief, "All that light was hurting my eyes." Then, Sarah slipped out of her skintight suit and into her black robe, crawling beneath her blankets for her precious last three hours of sleep. Kia smiled at her roommate, then sank into bed and did the same.

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