Chapter 11- The Beginning

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Days of training stretched into weeks, and weeks of training turned into months, with Sarah's midnight trips to the cafeteria greatly reduced. The team was working together like a mostly-oiled machine, with just a few little creaks and jolts here and there that needed fixing in the months before The Games.

A lot of the conflicts happened between Kia and James, and Sarah and Chameleon. Between Kia and James, the conflict was that James had somehow figured out about Kia's, well, orientation, and was convinced that Kia was using her charming people skills to try and get his girlfriend. His girlfriend was, of course, Dawn, and the two of them had now formally hooked up. Thankfully though, James never spoke his suspicions spurred by a fragile ego to the group, but Kia knew this could be used as possible blackmail in the future. And so the hostility between the flame-haired boy and the ghostly girl was sparked.

The feud between Sarah and Chameleon was created in a much different way, and mostly by Chameleon's do-gooder/hardcore hero personality. Sarah would make an offhand comment like, 'Oh, I remember when I used a maneuver like this to steal...' And so Chameleon would declare that the maneuver was a 'dirty villain technique' and their team should not use it at all.

Meanwhile, Jaina and Dawn tried to stay as distanced as they could from the pairs when tempers flared, and now had created a bond between each other. Jaina turned out to be sweet and funny, while not quite meaning to be the latter, as she was sometimes prone to 'brain blanks' and was occasionally lacking in a proper dose of common sense. Jaina found all that misplaced common sense in training, however, and gave 110% effort to the team.

And so they trained. Onwards and onwards, juggling academics with it, becoming stronger and more team-like by the minute. And before they knew it, it was time.


"Aw, you look so cute in that dress!" Chameleon gushed to Dawn. They were getting ready to go to the party before The Games, a sort of ceremony.

"I feel like I'm going to puke," Dawn groaned. She had to admit, though, that she looked pretty good. Her blue hair was coiled up at the top of her head, and she was wearing a long black fitted dress that matched elegantly with her elbow-length black gloves.

"It's just a simulation!" Chameleon chided. Her normally puffed pixie was allowed to roam free, bangs curled across her forehead, and her knee-length dress had a black leather sleeveless top that transitioned to a blood red skirt.

"It's what we've been training this whole year for!" Dawn replied. "Oh, and you look hot, too."

"Thanks," Chameleon grinned, a vibrantly happy shade of yellow.

"Remind me who your date is again?" Dawn asked.

"Alex from math class," Chameleon replied.

"He and James should be here any moment, then!" Dawn smiled. As if on cue, there was a rapping sound on the door.

"Coming!" Chameleon cried out, then rushed and opened the door. A dark skinned boy stood next to James, and Dawn guessed this was Alex. He had silver hair and eyes that seemed to glow with moonlight in the dim hallway. He was wearing a silver tuxedo to match. James, next to him, was wearing a tuxedo with a shiny leather tie, and his mouth dropped when he saw Dawn.

"Wow," He spluttered, "You look... You look..." James couldn't finish his sentence, so Dawn kissed him, rendering the flame-haired boy even more speechless.

"Aww, young love," Chameleon giggled, giving Alex a peck on the cheek as well. The boy's dark skin blushed with bright silver flecks.

"Enough messing around! Let's go!" Chameleon cheered, and the four left to go down to the gym.

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