Chapter 15- Run

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Chameleon had made a pact with herself to never feel fear- ever again. She had spent a large amount of time when she was younger still in the dreaded R's lab, and when she finally gave R a big kick in the face and got free, she said she'd never feel that amount of fear again.

And now here she was, her skin a sickly yellow, in a cave with at least a hundred creepy nymphs who all suddenly had murder in their creepy red eyes.

And she was probably going to die now.


Dawn did a quick count of the situation. The plasma guns, still at their hips, would be useless since they blasted out hot beams, and that wouldn't work underwater. James' fire wouldn't work underwater, either. Sarah's super speed, normally an advantage, probably wouldn't work very well. Chameleon's powers depended on her emotion, and right now she looked locked up in complete fear. Dawn still wasn't quite sure what Jaina's powers were, but the girl was currently gaping, open mouthed at the nymphs, or 'Children of the Lake' as they called themselves. Dawn's powers would only be good as a small distraction, but a small distraction might be all they needed...

"CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Dawn yelled as she stripped off a glove. Her team members, knowing Dawn's powers, covered their eyes instantly, while the Children of the Lake looked on confusedly. Dawn reached out and touched the cave wall.

Instantly, the walls were painted in bright neon greens and yellows and pinks, flashing and dancing and swirling loudly. The nymphs screamed in pain, clawing at their eyes and falling to the ground. Dawn quickly put her glove on, then grabbed her friends. They organized themselves into a train, holding each other's hands, as Dawn led them. She swam out of the cave through the entrance that the Children had come through, racing quickly. The cave let out into what seemed like a village, swarming with nymphs. The surface of the lake glimmered above, and Dawn shot up to it.

"It's safe to open your eyes now!" Dawn called. The others all released hands and opened their eyes, swimming upwards. This was more important now more than ever, as now the other Children of the Lake had noticed the escapees, and were chasing after them. Chameleon threw a blast of urgent red light at them. The light caused the nymphs to lose control of their swimming, making them spiral back to the lake floor.

Finally, Dawn's head broke the surface. She went to take a deep breath of air and...

She couldn't. All she brought in was gasping, she couldn't bring oxygen in. All around her, her teammates were discovering the same thing. Pure panic spread through Dawn's blood, like liquid ice, as she struggled for air, gasping and flopping like a fish out of water.

Wait! Fish! Dawn dove under the water, finding that she could still breathe there. She tore off the seaweed wrapped around her neck, then resurfaced and found she could breathe air. Dawn swam around to her friends, removing the seaweed from their necks. Then, they swam like hell to the shore.

They collapsed on the gravel edges, gasping.

"Oh My ChEeSeBaLlS!" Jaina huffed, a grin on her face.

A single nymph hissed at them from the edge of the lake, and everyone jumped back in shock.

"We should probably go," Sarah observed as more nymphs broke the surface of the lake, hissing like snakes.

"That's a good idea," Kia nodded vigorously.

The team took off running into the forest.

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