Chapter 5- Recruiting

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"You just wanted her and her roommate for our Games team, didn't you?" Dawn poked Chameleon as they ate their breakfast, and after recounting their odd encounter with the ghostly girl.

"Yeah, you didn't even get her name!" James grinned, taking a bite of his bagel.

"Okay maybe it was about The Games a little... We only have three out of six members of our team!" Chameleon flushed red in indignation. The Games, as described by their teachers, was a high-tech simulation that dropped you and your team into a world where anything that moved was your enemy, and it was up to your team to fight through all the bad creatures until you came to the finishing level, a maniacal overlord who seeked to squish out your team. Only the very best teams made it through. It was a yearly event, open to all grade levels, and it was not mandatory to compete. But the winning team won glory, honor, and their names on a trophy displayed at the heart of the school. Chameleon, James, and Dawn had decided to participate, but the teams had to have six people on them, and the three didn't really know any other classmates than the ones that they were sitting with at this very moment. There weren't a lot of times for socialization in classes, and the only times they got to work in teams was gym class. So, upon seeing a random girl in the halls, Chameleon had seized on the opportunity. It wasn't that crazy, the three had even heard rumors of a group of kids who hadn't known each other until the day of the Games.

"Anyways, when are we going to go see this mystery pair?" Dawn asked.

"How about today, during the free period before bed?" Chameleon proposed.

"Works for me," James shrugged, "What dorm was it again?"

"472," Chameleon smiled. She remembered the number vividly because as soon as she had a moment, she had pulled a pen out of her pocket and scrawled the number on her pink wrist.

"Okay then! See you at gym," Dawn told James with a grin. She and Chameleon then picked up their trays and headed off to their color class with Mrs. Camiolle, and James headed to his class about controlling the flame within. Whatever that was supposed to be.


"You did what?!" Sarah exclaimed upon reentering the room with a large supply of, this time, pop tarts. Sarah had come back to find Kia waiting awake on her bed, the lights on just bright enough for her eyes to pierce the darkness, with a story to tell.

"I'm sorry! It was instinct!" Kia cried. This was true, as in the first couple days of school, the teachers had drilled into them their personal information, going as far as to jump out at random times during the class to demand a student's ID number. So now, it was second nature to say numbers first and ask questions later when a question about the numbers was asked.

"Yeah, but you shouldn't have followed me!" Sarah retaliated, munching on a pop tart.

"You shouldn't have been sneaking out in the first place," Kia shot back. Sarah didn't have anything to say to this, so she just changed into her pajamas and continued munching on her stolen food.

"Great. Now we're going to have some heroes on our asses, trying to make friendship," Sarah grumbled, finished up her stolen goods, and turned out the light. Kia's barely whispered "Sorry," got lost in the night, and the two girls fell into various levels of sleep.

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