Chapter 10- Team

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A knock-knock-knocking on the door launched Dawn up and out of her bed, startling her and making her jump halfway across the room before she got her wits about her and stopped racing around like a mad hen. She checked to make sure she had her gloves on before she touched anything, then wondered who could be knocking at this time and interrupting her in her last hour and a half of sleep before she had to wake up. But she answered the door anyways, not remembering to stick on a robe over her bare shoulders. Dawn opened the door to reveal a pale, transparent and grey-haired figure standing there. Kia! Dawn didn't know how to feel about the girl and her roommate now, knowing they were villains. Since she was a hero, wasn't it her duty to 'thwart' Kia? To foil her plots?

"Whaddayahwant?" Dawn murmured sleepily.

"Hi. I'm really sorry to have you up so early, but I've decided, if you'd have us, that Sarah and I would like to be on your team for The Games," Kia smiled cheerfully.

"Kia... We know the truth," Dawn said. Kia's eyes went wide, and Dawn hastily added on, "About the villain school." Kia relaxed. Dawn didn't want poor Kia to think that they knew more, and Dawn could see that Kia had a lot of secrets to hide. Not necessarily bad ones, but...

"Well, I understand if you don't want us on your team, but please just hear me out!" Kia pleaded.

"Yeah, okay. Come in," Dawn opened the door a little bit wider, and let Kia in. Chameleon was still asleep, but Dawn didn't feel the need to wake her. That girl could sleep through a train wreck. Dawn nodded to Kia, cue to begin talking.

Kia glanced uneasily at the sleeping form of Chameleon, then began her tale. "It's my roommate, Sarah. She's always stealing small, little things, like food from the cafeteria, mainly... And I'm worried about her, because the teachers don't like to see her wasting her talent, and I'm scared she'll get kicked out of the school! But if we join a team for The Games, I figured that between classes and training for The Games, she'd be too tired to do any stealing!" Kia looked up at Dawn, her eyes pleading. Though the rest of the girl's body was varying shades of grey and mist, Kia's eyes were a shifting violet. Dawn stared into those galaxy-like eyes, could see how much Sarah meant to the ghostly girl, how badly she needed her plan to succeed, and made her decision.

"You can join," She smiled.

"Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kia cried, jumping up and hugging Dawn. It was like walking through fog. Kia then left the room, leaving Dawn with a good half-hour before morning. She turned and saw Chameleon was half-awake.

"Wha's goin' on?" Chameleon murmured.

"We got ourselves a team for The Games!" Dawn replied.


"You WHAT?!" Sarah cried as Kia told her the news at lunch.

"Signed us up for a team for The Games," Kia repeated calmly. Her roommate was taking the news just like Kia expected her to: With large amounts of rage. But Dawn had filled out all the forms properly, submitted them, and been approved, so Sarah couldn't back out now. Kia told Sarah this, and Sarah sighed.

"What team?" Sara asked.

"WILDCATS!" Kia replied, grinning.

"Kiaaaaaaaaa..." Sarah groaned.

"Dawn, Chameleon, James, and Jaina," Kia gave Sarah a straight answer, finally.

"The ones that bothered us in the middle of the night?" Sarah yelped.

"The very ones!" Kia smiled, then added an afterthought, "But we haven't met Jaina yet. She's a new addition."

"Greaaaaaat..." Sarah moaned.

"I know, right?" Kia beamed.


Over on the hero's side, the news was similarly received.

"But they're villains?!" James spluttered when Dawn told them the good news.

"Is that even allowed? A team with villains and heroes?" Chameleon wondered.

"Well, they're team members all the same, and our paperwork was approved," Jaina said thoughtfully. But they all seemed still uneasy with having the two villain girls on the team for The Games.


"My, my, my..." Tanya murmured in her study, looking over the approved teams for The Games. She had recently received an updated list of the newest approvals, and was rather amused to note that there was a team that boasted three hero girls, two villain girls, and one hero boy.

"This ought to be interesting," The headmistress grinned. She couldn't wait to see how this little situation turned out.


"Come ON! We're going to be late!" Kia hurried her roommate along.

"Why does it have to be so early?" Sarah mumbled.

"Because it was the only time we could reserve," Kia pulled Sarah along by the hand, trying to get the girl to walk faster. It was the first thing in the morning, an hour before the villain girls usually awoke, because that was the only time that their team for The Games was able to meet. Meet for training.

"We don't want to be late for our first training!" Kia cried.

"Okay, okay!" Sarah groaned as Kia tugged her along.

Finally, the two girls arrived at the gym to find the rest of their teammates already waiting.

"Sorry we're late! Sarah didn't want to wake up!" Kia apologized to them.

"Sure, blame it on me," Sarah sighed.

"Well that's the truth!" Kia huffed. The gym was laid out with a large variety of equipment, which Kia noted would probably have to be cleaned up at the end of their session. And there was a lot of equipment.

Weights ranging from one pound to one hundred, monkey bars, balance beams, uneven bars for gymnastics, medicine balls, yoga mats, ankle weights, treadmills, ellipticals, steppers, hanging circles, a foam pit, foam mats, a radio (?????), and many, many more things that Kia couldn't even think of a name for.

"Hiya! I'm Jaina," The dark-haired girl standing by Dawn, Chameleon, and James introduced herself.

"Hi! I'm Kia, and this is Sarah," Kia grinned, turning her charm on that was her specialty. She nudged Sarah, prompting her to say something friendly. Sarah just grunted.

"Okay, then. Let's get started. Remember, this isn't about competing, it's about working together as a team," Dawn introduced. James then took control of the small group, being at the top of his class in both leadership and gym. And so the team started training, using the equipment with James pushing them and shouting encouragement.

"20 pushups! Go!" James then dropped and did the pushups with them.

"Go! Go! Go! Through the hoops!" James had them dive through a series of waist-high tire swings, watching them duck through.

"Niiiiiiice, Dawn!" He cried as they did so.

"Stop staring at my butt!" Dawn yelled back. Soon though, the bell rang in the gym, signaling that it was time for the heroes to go to bed and the villains to get ready to go to breakfast. Everyone had been worked thoroughly, and even Sarah was panting and red-faced.

"Now," Kia grinned, "Wasn't that fun?"

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