Chapter 9- Decision

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"Sarah. Sarah. Sarah. I am ashamed of you. You have so much more potential than petty, idiotic theft. You are not a villain. You are a burglar!" Professor Carraway, Sarah's stealth and evasion teacher, bellowed in Sarah's face. She held her expression steady and tried not to flinch, even though she really wanted to wipe the spittle from her face that had flown from Carraway's mouth as he ranted. She would need to disinfect her whole face later. She was currently in detention, being thoroughly scolded by almost all of her teachers. In the back of the room, on the desk, was a stack of Sarah's recently pilfered goods, things she had thought would have gone unnoticed, but was disappointed to find that the kitchen managers had, for once, actually counted the amount of food for the day as described in their manual. The detention wouldn't have been bad, Sarah felt, if she hadn't been tied upside-down to the ceiling as her teachers yelled at her. After a mere half-hour, the blood in her body had flushed Sarah's face tomato red, leaving the rest of her limbs numb and unfeeling. She didn't so much mind that they were yelling at her for wasting her potential by stealing petty things like food when she could be stealing the moon, as she didn't really have the supplies or sufficient opportunity to steal large things like the moon. Mostly, Sarah was just concerned about when she would be let down, and if this meant she would have to take a lot more precautions and sneaking around when stealing food. Probably, since they would be on the lookout for her.

"...Have you not learned anything in the months you've spent here? Has all your training gone to your waistline instead of your brain?" Prof. Carraway continued. Sarah finally broke her mental rule and cringed. Cracks at her behavior were one thing. Cracks at her body weight or appearance were a whole new territory, and, as Kia wasn't there to stick up for her, Sarah took matters into her own hands. Or, rather, feet.

The bedraggled vampire curled upwards, untying her bonds with record speed, and instead of splatting into an unceremonious heap as expected, Sarah nimbly bounced off her hands and back flipped, feet striking Carraway in the chest and knocking him down to the ground. Sarah crossed the room, grabbed up her bag of stolen sandwiches, and stalked out the door. Before she left, she paused in the doorway.

"Maybe," Sarah smirked, "I'll steal your hair gel next. And do try to use mouth-wash next time." And with that, the black clothed teenager sashayed out the door, leaving a bewildered and proud professor Carraway stroking his stiff hair as he lay, still in a heap, on the ground. What a perfect student Sarah was turning out to be.


"Sarah, where have you been?!" Kia greeted Sarah at the door. It was minutes before class was to start, and Kia's roommate had been gone the whole night... Or, rather, day. Sarah's little daytime trips never extended that long.

"I got caught," Sarah said offhandedly, as if it were no big deal.

"Caught!?" Kia exclaimed.

"Yeah. I had to hang around for a while," Sarah smiled, pulling out a sandwich. She had, of course, missed her nighttime snack, and though breakfast was about to start, she was ravenous.

Kia, who knew the school's detention policy, knew Sarah's 'hanging around' probably involved ropes, and yelling. "Sarah, you've got to stop these midnight escapades!"

"Why should I?" Sarah replied cheekily. She had already been yelled at enough today by her teachers, and now her roommate was in on it too?

"Because you're gonna get caught again! And you're gonna get booted out of the school!" Kia yelled, though silently adding in her head, and if you got kicked out, I'd lose my only friend!

Sarah huffed, "I just can't help it! If I don't steal anything for a long amount of time, I get twitchy!"

"Ugh!" Kia moaned, knowing her roommate was right. And no one wants to be in a room with a twitchy kleptomaniac. Just then, the bell that signaled it was time for breakfast rang. The two girls headed out the door and into the stream of villains. As they passed by a hallway, Kia noticed a poster on the wall. It looked like it had been put there by a student, probably a hero, and read:


Are you interested in being in The Games?

Are you unable to find a team you work well with?

2 spots need filling on our team!

Swing by room 610 during a free period if you are interested!

Kia smiled. This would be perfect! If they joined a team for The Games, Sarah would be too tired from the extra training to get twitchy! So Kia snagged the poster off the wall and tucked into the bloodstained pocket of the dress she was wearing, then turned and headed off to breakfast.

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