Chapter 13- Deadly Squirrels

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"That squirrel is staring at me," James stared back at the squirrel in question. Its eyes had a slightly red glow to them, and it was sitting on a tree branch and just glaring at James.

"Aw, poor little James, afraid of squirrels!" Chameleon poked.

"It looks evil!" James protested. Just as James said this, a fluffy blur burst out of the trees, taking a collision course towards James' face.

Time slowed down as James' golden eyes widened.

The squirrel opened its mouth in preparation, revealing shark-like teeth far too large for a normal squirrel.

James raised his arm, a familiar tingling feeling materializing there as a fireball ignited in his fingertips.

He launched the stream of fire at the squirrel.

It was the squirrel's turn to have its creepy red eyes widen in fear.

The smell of burned fur filled the air.

Time flashed back to the present as Dawn's voice yelled, "I THINK THAT'S ENOUGH FIRE!" James looked around, realizing that in flaming the killer squirrel, he had also set fire to a couple trees.

And now the fire was spreading quickly.

The whole team started sprinting away from the fire. Sarah ran ahead with her super speed, and zipped back to them.

"This way! I scouted the route, there's a lake this way!" Sarah directed, and the team began running the way she said. James brought up the rear, since fire couldn't harm him.

They ran for a really long time, the fire chasing them the whole way. Eventually, they reached a lake, a beautifully perfect turquoise color. The team jumped in without questioning, and James followed after. Water wouldn't kill him, or anything. The worst it would do is put out his flaming hair and stifle his powers.

The water was so clear, James could see all of his team. They were all staring at him, their eyes bugging out and gesturing madly. No, wait. James realized they weren't staring at him. They were staring behind him. James slowly turned around in the water, afraid of what he'd see. His eyes met two great gold lanterns, cutting through the dim water.

The lanterns were attached to a grinning, frog-like face.

Before James could react, the fire hit the water above, and the clear water filled with bubbles of steam, turning the world to chaos as James felt a hundred pairs of slimy hands grabbing at him. He felt a burst of panic, the hands were dragging him down, and he was running out of air.

I'm going to die, was the last thing James thought before blackness closed in on the edges of his vision, and the boy's fiery eyes closed as his struggling body went limp.

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