What Happens In An Asylum

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Asylum- an institution offering shelter for the mentally insane.

Only I'm not crazy...

Let me give you a run down of goes on here. You are in a white padded cell, that only has a small window that is has bars and looks out the other cell with a real crazy in it.

You wake up at seven in the morning and you go down to breakfast with twenty other crazies from your block, and go down to breakfast. They feed you slop because if it's a solid food, you need to cut with a knife, and we all know where that leads to.

I don't have any interaction with the inmates, so I talk to my friend Jack, a friend I had since kindergarten. Unfortunately, my parents never got to see him, and know how wonderful he is. Jack leaves from time to time when I take my medicine, but when he's here, he makes being here worth it. He tells such funny jokes when I'm sad, he dances with me when we get to play, and he sings to me go to sleep.

Anyway, after lunch, we go to our play area, where we go play checkers, socialize, and listen to a song that plays every single second of every single day. It's so annoying, I'm surprised none of the sane people here go insane. Even though, I've heard it countless times, I see don't know what they're saying. It's like in French or something.

Then after that, you can wander the halls with watchful eye on the security. I usually go to the library and read books. In this library, we can't have any exciting books, so they get us book that are bland and have lots of pictures, that are in black and white.

After reading twelve books, I go into the court yard and watch all the boys in my ward, play hop scotch, tick tack toe, and some even so far gone that they knock their heads against the walls until there have blood stains. Then the nuns bring us back into the building and we go to bed. Everyone else goes to bed, but I stay up for a little bit. Trying to break the bars, dig a tunnel out, and sometimes look for Jack.

"Jack," I whisper,"Where are you?"

I feel arms going around my waist. I look behind me and see another face looking back at me. I broke free from his grip, giggling.

"I missed you," I said hugging him.

"I missed you as well," he said rubbing my back.

I look into his eyes, crying my eyes out. He wipes my tears away from with his thumb and kisses my forehead. I sit on his lap and hug him again, feeling his warmth. We lay down and try to get comfy on this thin cot. He presses up again me and kisses the back of my head.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear.

"I love you too," I say back before drifting off to sleep.

In the morning, he always leaves me. The weird thing is that I never get to see his face, it's always dark when he's with me. At least I get one slice of happiness, from this asylum...

More like hell...

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