Chapter 18

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"Oh shit," I whispered,"We are so dead."

The three men were standing outside of the office and talking about their master plan with the man on the outside. I look back at Jack, who was terrified of what I am about to do. I put his hands over his eyes and loaded a gun. Then they started to come over towards us since they heard the click. I put Jack behind me and was ready to do this.

"Private?" A man said over a radio.

"Yes, Sergeant," a man answered.

"Where the devil are you?!" The sergeant asked in a booming voice,"I cannot enable contact with the rest of the troops!"

"The rest of the troops are d-dead," he said shakily,"Someone is still here."

"I better have them eliminated or you," sergeant said coarsely.

"Y-Yes sir," he said frightening.

I took a deep breath in and waited until they went the other way. I was exhaled heavily and started to stand up. Suddenly, I heard someone scream on the top of her lungs. I turned around to see Jack crying his eyes out and blood dripping on the floor. He took a bullet to the arm. I turn around and see the one of the three men.

"Fuck!" I yelled taking Jack's hand and sprinting for the exit.

Jack was lagging behind, so I pick him up and carried him out to the exit. This is it we were home-free. I can see daylight, just then someone knocked me off my feet. I landed on my already yanking back, groaned on impact. The person that close-lined was standing over Jack. He was dressed like a priest without all the garments.

"Do not worry Jack, soon you will be resurrected by our leader," he said taking out a needle.

I felt my second wind run through me. I hurdles myself into the man and we wrestled on the floor, trying not to have the needle in my skin. I finally grabbed the needle and stuck it into his neck. He stopped fighting and loosen his grip on my arms. His piercing blue eyes gave me this icy chill down my back.

"Our society truly is dead," he whispered taking a breath,"Here I am, giving him back to our Lord and savior, then you have him miss that chance, now he will suffer for all eternity."

His eyes flutter shut as he took his last breath. I pity the fool, he was so far gone he did not know what he was talking about. I then go over to Jack,  who was unconscious for me dropping him. He was all scratched up and had some brushes forming on his face. Thank goodness that his head was not bleeding.

I heard more gunshots coming from inside of the asylum. I heard a walkie-talkie, hearing the private speaking. He kept on saying Sergeant and whatnot. That "priest" is the Sergeant, what a weird mix. Which was very smart because you would of never expected it. I then pull the walkie-talkie out of his pants talking into it.

"Hello Private," I said into it.

"To whom am I speaking with?" He answered back immediately.

"The cause of your soldiers' deaths," I aid very sinisterly.

"You better show yourself, you fiend!" He screamed into the device.

"What is wrong I thought you would like to play my little game?" I said in a reading tone,"Too bad you are going to lose."

I locked all the doors in the asylum by a press of a button. I turned off all the lights and immediately hear them screaming. I then see them on the roof which is about fourth floors up, they have no chance of surviving the jump. I see the private left up the wallow-talkie to his mouth.

"The thing about this world is, it will never be better, it will only become worse over the next few years," he said giggling,"Our troops has just delivered the bomb and will be the cause of the end of this God forsaken world and the beginning new world will rise from the ashes."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked angrily.

"To finally be free from the freaks," he said hoarsely,"Like your boyfriend."

I then see them fall to their deaths, hand and hand, will plummeting to their demises. I did not dare to watch another person die today. I just picked up Jack and walked at of the hellhole like I walked into, with what is left of my dignity and sanity. I looked out into the distance, a wasteland where it is every man for himself. We basically went backwards instead of forward.

No love, no joy, and especially no hope of anything becoming better. I was back to reality where everything is only in black and white, nothing else. Either you agree or you die, either you rebel or live in the shadows, and either we are normal or you put in an asylum. The world is a disgusting place now and Jack is the only sunshine I have left.

I sneak past the guards and go into my house undetected. I open the door and laid him on the bed. Even though I am a scientist, I am very poor, only the people in the council has a great life. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a rag, wetting it. I dabbed the irritated scratches, cleaning the dirt. I checked for any other scratches, cleaning them and putting band-aids on the small wounds.

I hear him start to whimper and squeal at the cold rag press against his broken skin. He looks up at me with wide eyes. He looked astonished, yet he did not say anything. He just stared at me, while I was nursing him back to health. While I was finished with my work, I stood up, I was about to walk out so I could let him to let him rest. Only he pulled me back down, so I was centimeters away from his face.

"Do you really love me?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yesterday more than you know it will ever know," I said starting to cry,"I did not mean to hurt you, I-"

I was cut off by Jack's soft, plump lips that oddly taste like strawberries. I bit his lip with made him moan in my mouth. We let go for a moment so we could breath. Jack look into my eyes and smiled.

"You talk too much," he said bringing me back in for another kiss.

Even though our world is dark, cold, and gloomy right now, but at least I have my little bit of sunshine to keep me happy and sane.

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