Chapter 20

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What is he going to say to me? Is he finally going to say what he feels or am I going to leave for good?

"Well, go on," I said looking back at him,"What do you need to tell me?"

He was about to speak when the front door was broken down. Soldiers break into the home, seeing us in the other room, then charging at us. Jack grabbed my hand, pulling me in, slamming the door shut. Guns were shot at the locked door. Jack pushed me out the way as the bullets fly through the door.

He pushed his bed out of the way and lifted a hatch. He signaled me to come over. He grabbed his gun and let me go down first. Down, down, down, deep into what looks like a cave. It was dark and dap, I felt like something was down there. Hearing footsteps coming from below, I froze, not wanting to go any further. I look back up at Jack, who was wondering why I stopped. 

"Jack, I-I think someone is d-down there," I whispered frightened by the footsteps.

"Shh, relax," he whispered,"Nobody is down there."

Just then I saw a light starting to becoming brighter and brighter down below. I was froze again and looked up at Jack who was now terrified. He saw the light becoming brighter seeing two shadows. My heart was beating out of my chest. Is this it? Is this how I am going to die? That is all that was running through my mind.

"Where are we?" I heard a voice said,"Cameron, are we lost?"

"No, I know exactly where I am going," another voice said arrogantly,"Wait a minute, did we not past that tunnel before?"

"Well shit, we are lost," the first voice said as it echoed through the tunnel,"I told you we should of stayed on the surface, but no, I had to listen to this dumbass."

"At least we are not being chased by guards, because a certain dumbass lead them to us," the second voice said,"Did a certain dumbass not accidentally fire his gun?"

They kept screaming at each other as it echoed through the walls. I decided to go down even though they might be armed. Jack was signaling me not to go, but I did anyway. I climbed down and saw two guys.

One was tall has piercing blue eyes, skin as white as snow, hair as brown as rich dark chocolate, his clothes were all ripped and dirty. The other was a little shorter, he had brown eyes, brown hair that was lighter than the other boy, he had olive colored skin, and his clothes were also worn out and ripped.

They saw me and the brown-eyes boy pulled the blue-eyed boy behind him. He pulled his gun out and pointed towards me. I put my hands up and almost fainted. This was definitely was not one of my best ideas, but I will find a way to reason with them.

"Cameron, put the fucking gun down," the blue-eyed boy said.

"Nash, we do not know him, he could be armed," Cameron said coarsely.

"P-Please I mean no h-harm," I stuttered out.

"See, he is just a kid, he is not going to hurt us," Nash said walking in front of Cameron.

Nash was towards me and put out his hand introducing himself and Cameron. Cameron was muttering something to himself and picking up the lantern they were holding. I felt Nash touching some bruises on my face and neck. I winced at the pain, so he stopped. He then looked down at my jumpsuit.

"Where did you come from?" He asked sincerely.

"Asylum," I said looking down.

"Oh my, you do not seem like you are insane," he said looking me over.

"I am not," I said playing with your fingers.

"Hold up, you mean this kid is from a fucking asylum!" Cameron exclaimed,"No, Nash, we can not trust him, he could be a cannibal or a psycho murder."

"He is a kid and I can tell he is fine," Nash said annoyed,"Now put the gun down."

"Jack," I said calling him down,"Come down, everything is fine."

Jack slowly climbs down, hiding the gun in his pants. He fixed his glasses, adjusting his lab coat, and looked up at the two boys. He smiled sincerely as Nash smiled and Cameron glared. He held his hand out in front of Nash, singalong him to shake his hand, so Nash did just that. He did the same to Cameron, but he just scuffed and walked forward.

"Alright come Jack, let go back to civilization," he said smiling down at me.

"Wait!" Nash called out,"You actually know the way out of here."

"Indeed I do," Jack answered back.

"Well, can we tag along, I mean if we run into trouble, we can be your back up," Nash said sweetly.

Jack looked a little unsure, but I sort of talk him into it. I did not even try, I just say one please and he just says yes. So Cameron pulled Nash back and started angrily whispering at him. I then look at Jack, who was staring off into space. I hugged him tightly which made him snap out of the state that he was in.

"Alright, we will come with you," Cameron said annoyed.

Then Cameron came up to us and look Jack straight in the eye. His jaw and fists were clenched, his cheeks had a pink tint to them and he growled before he said a word. He then grabbed Jack by the shirt as I sat in worry. I did not want to make it worst, so I just watch whatever Cameron was going to do next.

"Let me tell you both this first before you start to obtain any funny ideas," he said coldly,"If you lay one fucking harmful hand on him, I will put a bullet in both your fucking heads."

Cameron pushed Jack off and he walked back to Nash. Jack and I lead the way as Cameron held the lantern from behind. We finally found another latter that had a plaque next to it that read: City Hall.

Jack and Cameron took out their guns as Nash and I waited. Cameron and Jack went first and of course I was last. Jack slowly open the hatch and gave us the signal that the coast was clear. One by one, we made to the surface. Just then, the lights turned on and I see human-size pods with people inside.

"Oh good, my test dummies have finally arrived," a dark voice said.

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