Chapter 2

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I wake up again only this time I wasn't in my bed. I was in a chair with a straight jacket on. I look around, and I realized I was in the room. I tried to fun a way to shake out of it, but it was no use. I see three guards walk in the room.

Strange, usually Sister Catherine would be in here, beating the living daylight out of me. Then Sister Catherine came in with a man in a white lab coat. They say in the chair in front of me, I looked down at their shoes, not wanting to look in their eyes.

"Jack, look in my eyes," she said calmly.

I ignored her request, knowing I'll regret it later, but I didn't care. She slapped me across the face with the ruler. I felt tears running down my face, but they couldn't see. She slapped me again, I still wouldn't look up. I see about slap me a third time.

"Okay that enough!" yelled the man in the white coat,"Sister Catherine, can you please leave us?"

I peaked up again and see her leave the passed cell. The worst thing was she was right outside staring at me behind the thick glass. I feel him touch my cheek, and flinched back. Tears start pouring from my face knowing that he's going to hurt me or worse.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," he cooed in my ear,"Can you please look at me?"

He caresses my cheek again and my breath hitches. I look up at him and he was oddly young. He had brown hair with chocolate brown eyes, and he was very tan. He was wearing glasses, a light blue collared shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he started,"My name is Mr. Gilinsky, I'm a scientist and I want to do a few tests on you."

I shook my head and fell out of the seat. I back up to the padded wall, crying more. He gets up out of the chairs and walks towards me. He kneels down and picks up my chin.

"Don't worry the test won't hurt you," he stated.

"P-Promise," I manage to say.

"Cross my heart," he said making a cross on his chest.

I was still unsure, but I can't do anything about it. He stands me up and turns me around, unlocking the straitjacket. I was finally free from that uncomfortable piece of cloth. I look up at him nervously, he smiled down at me. Just then the door opens and Miss Catherine barges through the door.

"Are you out of your mind?!" She snarls,"You should of kept them in those restrains, who know what he could of done to you?"

I back up to the corner of the wall, scared to go near both of them. Sister Catherine starts yelling at him more. I cover my ears and try to block out the horrible words she was saying about me.

"Sister Catherine!" He burst led out again,"I am perfectly capable of doing my research without your constant, I don't tell how to do you're job, am I not

Sister Catherine went silent and walked out of the room. Mr.Gilinsky walks back over to me, sitting down on the floor. He looks up at me and takes out his notepad and pen from his coat pocket.

"So Jack Johnson, I apologize from that sudden outburst, I just can't stand that women, she--," he said before I put a hand over his mouth.

He didn't understand what was going on, so I pointed to the camera so he got the gist. I let go of him and put my hands over my face. His warm hands on my cold ones and gently pushed them down.

"Jack, I told you I'm not going to hurt you," He said smiling.

I'm not letting my guard down for a second, he's going to have to prove to me that he isn't going to hurt me. He takes both of my hands and stands me up. I look into his eyes, that were glistening in the harsh light. I pull my hands away from his, and backed away from him.

"Why are you frightened by me?" He asked moving closer to me again.

"T-Tests," I said hiding behind the chair.

"Tell you what," he said kneeling down,"You can take the test whenever you're comfortable you have my word."

"P-Promise," I said peaking my head out.

"Cross my heart," He said again making a cross on his chest,"Now, I need a person to show me around this place."

I smiled up at him, wanting him to show him around, but once again Sister Catherine barges through the door, taking him with her. So I was left in the room again. I heard muffled yelling on the other side of the door. Mr. Gilinsky came back in the room, fixed his shirt and his glasses, walking over to me.

"Sister Catherine kindly suggested that she would show me around," he said putting quotes around kindly,"But we'll take you back to the lounge area and I'll come back later."

He smirked at the last part and he stood me up again. I let go of his hands and gave him some space. Sister Catherine looked back at me and gave me a look. I hid behind Mr.Gilinsky after that. We got to the lounge and he walked me in.

"I have only been here for two minutes, and this song is driving me insane," he whispered making me laugh.

I sat down my usual spot, he sat down an the arm of the chair and he watch the other people doing insane things. I look at the clock and it was almost seven thirty.

I tapped his arm and pointed at the clock, I started counting down on my fingers. The clock rang and everyone went crazy. He started to laugh his head off. Sister Catherine barges through the door like usual and was coming towards me.

"Sister Catherine, how about that tour you were going to take me on?" He asked taking away from me.

While they were walking out of the room, he turn his head and winked. Just then Gladys ran up to me and say in front of me.

"Tell me everything," she said excited.

Where do I begin?

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