Chapter 7

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I felt like I'm alive again, like Mr. Gilinsky has resurrected me. I don't know where to begin, but when I'm around him I feel like my stomach is going to explode. My pain just disappears when he is around. I actually learn when he is around me. I learn how to read bigger words, how to write, and what Neverland is.

"On the st-st- streets of the Up-Upper E-East S-Side," I said trying my best to say the hard words.

"Very good Jack," he said applauding me,"Now read the next part."

"W-Where it was crowded and lonely at the same time," I said looking up at him.

"Perfect," he said,"Now let's move on to spelling."

He puts on his glasses and looks for the spelling book. I'm very good in spelling, well that's what Mr. Gilinsky says. I was playing with fingers, hearing my heart beating out of my chest. I was humming a tone that I made up in my head.

"Okay, I found it," he said opening to a random page,"Spell necessary."

"N-E-C-E-S-S-A-R-Y," I said quickly.

"Great job Jack," he said ruffling my hair,"Now spell Jekyll."

"J-E-K-Y-L-L," I said even faster.

"Nice, now try to spell three words at the same time,"he said smirking,"Spell I love you."

"I space L-O-V-E space Y-O-U," I said smiling.

I realized what I spelt and I cover my mouth. I blushed like crazy, not believing he made me spell that. I started to giggle thinking that there might be a chance that he does. Jack, wait a minute there is no way in heaven, earth, and hell that he love you, a mentally insane patient.

"Earth to Jack," Mr.Gilinsky said waving his hand in front of my face.

"What? Oh, my apologies," I said blushing.

"Jack, you have a colorful vocabulary," he said moving closer to me,"Now on to Math."

I am decent in Math, I'm learning how to one step equations because I breezed through the other math. He gave me the whole page to do and breezed through it. He checked the problems and gave me a sticker. I giggle at the little A+ sticker on my paper. He gave me two more papers and we move on to some harder Math, which I breeze through.

"Jack, is this your first time seeing this?" He asked moving closer.

"No, actually my father would push me to be better than anyone else," I said remembering him,"He would hit me whenever I do not pay attention to the lesson because I would be talking to Jack."

"Who's Jack?" He asked intrigued.

"He was my best friend since kindergarten, only nobody can see him, but me," I said feeling myself starting to tear up,"I am sorry Mr. Gilinsky, I am a mess."

"Hey, everyone has friends they can not see, that means that they were only meant for you," he said rubbing my back,"That's what makes them special, even I have one."

"Really," I said sniffling.

He nodded and hugged me tightly. I trail a line down his spine. His back arches towards me and he bites his lip. I smile that I have this affect on him. I trace a line across his jawline. His breath hitches and his eyes squeeze shut. I press my chest against him more, and take off his glasses.

"As much as I like you when you wear your glasses, I like you better when you are not wearing them," I said putting them down.

I put a hand through his hair and softly tugged on it. It made make a sound that send electricity through my body. I did the same action, he made the sound louder which made me smile wide. I caress his cheek and lean up. He was breathing heavily, smelling the sweet scent of mint and coffee. I hover over his lips and lick my lips.

"There are few things that I did learn while I was here," I said giggling,"Are you flustered, Mr. Gilinsky?"

He nodded his head rapidly which made me giggle. I step off of him and sat on the bed. Just then I heard the cell door start to open, and the guard appeared. He smirked at me and picked up Mr. Gilinsky, throwing him out. He looked back at me and I just smiled.

"I hope you burn in Hell," he snarled.

"Right back at you, Hercules," I said smirking.

He walked towards me and slapped me across the face. I wasn't phased by his cruelty. He slapped me again, again, and again, until my cheek were bleeding. I just smiled up at him and stood up. I put my hand on his shoulder, showing pity.

"No matter how many times you try to hurt, you will never succeed," I said patting his shoulder,"Here, I will turn my cheek, so you can have a better angle."

He grunted and left the room. I walk out of my cell and drag Mr. Gilinsky back in my cell. I pet his head, but he wouldn't wake up. I look outside, but there was no one around. I lean down and kiss his forehead. His eyes flutter open and looked at me.

"J-Jack, you're hurt," he said sitting up.

"I'm not hurt, I'm just bruised," I said smiling,"He can not hurt me as long as you are here."

"Let me at least clean you up," He said grabbing a cloth from his shirt pocket.

He starts dabbing the blood away from my face. I smile at the way he cares about my well-being. I giggle at how nervous he will be when I cry. I love the way he teaches the new lessons everyday, that can maybe one day apply on the world. I love the affect I have on him.

Stick and stones may break my bones, but if I have Mr. Gilinsky people can never hurt me.

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