Chapter 21

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"Oh good, my test dummies have finally arrived," a dark voice said.

I felt someone pushing me into the ground. I look up and see the guard holding my hands behind my back. Jack was slammed against the wall and Cameron was protecting Nash by shooting the guards. The guard through me over their shoulder and was about to walk away with me.

"Wait a moment, I want him to stay a while," the voice said pointing to me.

Cameron and Nash escape successfully, leaving us in the dust. Jack was squirming and screaming my name. He was almost free when more guards took hold of him. I see his glasses fall, seeing him try to come to me. I did not put up a fight, I know my place, and I know it is time for me to go.

"Please take me!" Jack screamed,"You can hurt me, torture me, kill me, just lay a harmful hand on him, I deserve to die."

I look over at Jack, who was broken down into tears. He fell to his knees and sobbed, still having his arms behind his back. I see the man walk down. He had a lad coat on and was well dressed. He was an old man in about his sixties. He had glasses as well and this sinister smile that gave the chills when he looked at me.

"Well, Mr. Gilinsky, my old apprentice, a loyal worker that betrays me in the end," the man said lift Jack's chin.

"You fucking bastard!" Jack screamed,"This has gone too far!"

"Oh come now, dear Gilinsky, I am just trying to make the perfect world," he said walking away from Jack,"An old world that had parasites and freaks that made this world fight, now I will take the freaks and make them normal."

"How do you propose that you would do that, Doctor?" I asked butting in the conversation,"Last time I check, you can not change how a person feels."

"Oh on the contrary, you can," he said turning towards me,"Put him in one of the pods."

They pushed me into the pods that we saw earlier. I looked around and banged on the glass. Anxiety taking over my body because of the closed space. I can not breath, and it has only been a few seconds. The man walks over to a microphone and begins to speak in that dark voice that makes me fearful.

"You can not break through this type of glass, this is a bulletproof glass, even if the police tried to stop it, they would not be able to," the doctor said,"Now these gas will seep in, it will slowly suffocate you and kill you."

"What?!" Jack said angrily.

"That is right, Mr. Gilinsky," the doctor said looking over,"You said you wanted to be tortured and I am not laying a harmful hand on him, so enjoy the show. Oh and gentlemen, he said he wanted to be hurt as well."

The guards start punching him, which made me scream. I see he has start to seep in, which made me cough a little. It start becoming worse as time past. I felt my lungs start to fail which made me fall on my knees.

The pod was clouded with the yellow gas that kept seeping in, so I could not see what was on the outside. Only I manage to see Gilinsky begin beaten, his venerable form covered in blood and tears. It was like when we were little, he was being bullied and I came to his rescue. Then he save me, now to make the scoreboard even.

I could not concentrate on anything other than fear and my sadness. I hear the man saying mean words about Jack while he was suffering. All my negative feelings were welling up inside of me, I am like a volcano ready to explode. Which I did, with little air that was left, I took a deep breath and I screamed on the top of the lungs.

The loudest I ever in my entire life, feeling tears run down my face. I hear glass shatter all around me and talking clean air. I opened one eye and everyone was covering their ears. I see the building start to shake and metal start to fall down on the machine, in front of the doctor. The machine started and exploded setting fire to laboratory.

I ran over and grabbed Jack, who was half alive. We start limb out of burning laboratory as everyone is distracted. Just then the doors bust open and a boy with sunglasses, wearing a black tank top, camouflage pants, combat boots, dark shades, and a black bandana. He had what looks like a shotgun in his hand and had this cocky smirk his face.

"Come with me if you do not want to fucking die," he said putting Jack over his shoulders.

The guards notice that we are escaping and started running after us. I followed the bandana boy through every which way imaginable. We finally were free from this ratchet place. I look over at Jack while I was running for my life. He was battered and bruised, unconscious to the fact that we might die.

We then go into hatch almost like the one we entered. He let me go first and I quickly climbed down so we are not seen. When we arrived back in the dark dap, cavelike, tunnel, I see two familiar faces. I immediately became angry and almost attacked both of them.

"You left us behind, how could you?!" I screamed.

They covered there ears and shook their heads. The bandana boy put his hand on my shoulder which calmed me down a little. I took a deep breath and glared at them. Cameron step up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"We left to find help, we would of been all dead if we have not left," Cameron explained,"This is Taylor, by the way."

"Okay, no time for this, he is not looking to great, so let us cut the introduction and let us go back to our troops," Taylor demanded.

We walked through the dark tunnel and soon climbed up a latter. I soon see this bright light, I squint my eyes and felt my feet touching something soft. I look down and it was green grass. I see the green trees surrounding us, multicolor flowers blooming in the sun light, and bees buzzing around.

I am finally free, I have finally found my Neverland.

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