Chapter 17

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*Blood and gore involved in this chapter*

"J-Jack, is that you?" Jack said groggy.

"Y-You remembered," I said with great joy.

He then slapped me across the face, watching me as I crumpled. Love and passion soon change to anger and frustration. His jaw clenches, tensing up. His cheeks had a red tint to it and his fist clench.

"You deceitful little shit!" He screamed,"How could you play with my feelings like that?!"

"Jack, I-" I said before him cutting me off.

"No, you listen!" He said pushing me on the cot,"All my life everyone has been pushing me down, my parents, my teachers, the guards, the nuns, and many more people. Then you come along and you were my only escape, the only person that I can trust. I gave you everything and what do you fucking do? You give everything you had to a slutty nun. I never should of let anyone in."

"Jack, please let me explain," I begged for his mercy.

"What do need to explain?" He asked,"It is awfully clear that you do not feel the same feelings I do."

"What? You mean...." I trailed off not believing it.

"Yeah, I loved you Jack, more than words can describe, more than even I could obtain, you changed my life before and when I was in the asylum," he said looking down at his feet,"Only I did repay you by saving you from those bullies."

He remembered, after all those years. He finally knows the reason of why I came here in the first place to finally find him. To make him mine, for him to be in my arms, and so I could finally give him the life he deserves. His beauty is misunderstood for ugliness. His intelligence was mistaken for being different. All I ever wanted was to show him that he means more to me than he world made him think.

"I knew it was too good to be true," he said walking away from me," I knew I was just this insignificant dot on this huge planet and my life is meaningless."

Even though his back was turned, I can almost feel the tears that are rolling down his face. He crumples down to the floor, crying and shaking. I ran to him and hugged him tightly from behind. Tears were pouring down his red cheeks. I plant small kisses behind his ear and whispered sweet thoughts in his ear.

He finally calmed down and crawled away from me. He found a corner of the room and curled up in a ball. Every once and awhile he would sneak peeks of me, then look away. I need to tell him before anything else happened.

Only my cowardliness got the best of me, telling me I will mess it up somehow. I look down at my fingers, wanting to say it already, but my cowardliness blocks my throat from talking. I stare at him, in all of his misery, curled up in a corner. It frustrates me that I have to keep this to myself. The fear that nobody will accept me, that I will have the same fate as Jack's, being locked up in this cell.

"I am such a freak," he whispers to himself,"I knew that he would never feel the same."

It is welling up inside of me, go finally say it, for him to finally know. I want to scream it to everyone that has ears. Only I have this deep rooted fear hat it will backfire, blowing up in face, and hurting people I care about the most.

That is the last thing I want to do, to hurt him. He is too fragile to take this heartbreak. He is too beautiful for this world, but the world needs to witness it. The world needs to change because this world can not live like this much longer. I want to show him a beautiful world where everyone accepts you for how you are, only I cannot. The world is filled with disapproval, murder, and war.

There is no ounce of sunshine left. Our world is a wasteland, a hell on earth. I want to find a place to keep him safe and sound, away from the infamous acts that are going on right now. The world is a disgusting place, terrorism going, another war starting up. Genocide taking place in all parts of the world. You might ask where is God when you need Him?

Why would I want to show Jack this God-forsaken land where all hell is breaking loose in all sections of the world? Only he needs to know what is going on in the outside world. Even though he is not going to be happy with what he sees, it is the truth. The ugly, disgusting truth that the outside world is not what is cracked up to be.

Suddenly I heard gunshots outside. Jack was lost in thought he did not know what was going on. I heard police terms being shouted in the long hallways. I grabbed Jack and pushed him under the bed. I went to my briefcase and open my secret compartment. I pulled out the gun, I rarely use. I loaded it and went into the corner of the room. I broke the light by slamming the gun against the glass, so it is pitch black. Suddenly it grew quiet almost too quiet.

"There is nobody here sir," a man said," The place is deserted."

"Damn, American scum," another man said,"Did you check that room?"

"Shit," I whispered,"Jack, stay put and close your eyes."

"W-What are going to do?" He asked worried.

"Something that you do not want to see, but needs to be done," I said sadden by this.

The man broke down the door and walked inside. He did not see me at the time. Since I did not want to make any noise, I grabbed a large shard and pierced it in his neck. I laid him down and peeked outside to see if the coast was clear. I see two men in black with there faces cover with black bandanas. I took two shots and they were dead. I heard commotion coming from the next hallway.

I go back to my briefcase and took out my computer. You see Hack was very uncomfortable with Sister Catherine finding out I am bringing items in from the outside world. I took control of the cameras. So I check and there was three more guys running right for us.

"Holy shit!" A guy yelled,"What the fuck?!"

"I thought this place was d-deserted," another voice said shakily.

"Well I guess Little Bo Peep is missing one of her sheep," a third voice said.

I basically have control over every aspect of this asylum. So I played with the lights which freaked them out a lot. I put a head set on and spoke over the loudspeaker and they loaded their guns, heading downstairs to where the speaker is. I then grabbed Jack, who still had their eyes closed, and we ran downstairs, almost making it out.

"Oh shit," I whispered,"We are so dead."

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