Chapter 3

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After I was done telling Gladys everything, she was dancing around, squealing like a little school girl. She then sits down and clears her throat.

"Sorry, got a little carried away," she said smiling,"And you said he's a scientist."

"Yeah, but I'm going to keep my guard up because he might need to extract my brain or something if I'm not careful," I said nervously.

"That's only happens in movies, sweetie," she said smiling.

Just then I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to see Mr. Gilinsky. He smiles down at me and kneels down to my height. He caresses my cheek, his slightest touch sends tingles through my body. I felt like I was in a different world when I was around him.

"Um, Jack," Gladys said clearing her throat,"Would you like introduce to your friend?"

I went silent and looked back at her. She gave me a confused look on why I just went silent. I wanted to speak, but there was a lump getting in the way.

"Okay, suddenly you go mute," she said rolling my eyes,"My name is Gladys."

"Pleasure to meet you," he said kissing her hand.

She giggles and blushes. I roll my eyes and smile at her reaction. I sat and fiddled with my fingers. I then go off into my own little world where I'm actually not counted as insane. Then I heard something that made my heart sank.

"Really because he won't shut up," Gladys said nudging me.

"Really," he said smirking.

"Yeah, once you get him started on something, he won't stop," she said rolling her eyes.

I feel my face getting hot when she said that. I cover my face to try to hit my noticeable blush. I peak at Gladys who doesn't know how I'm slowly devouring myself in a vortex of agony. Then I look over at Mr. Gilinsky, who was intrigued of what she has to say about me. I finally had enough, I cover Gladys' mouth.

"Aww, it was getting to the good part," he said smiling at me.

I look down at the floor and blush. He leans over the chair and picks up my chin. He stares into my eyes longing, his eyes sparkle through his glasses. I look away from him and back to Gladys, giving her the I'm going to kill her later look.

"Jack, can I show you something?" I hear him say.

Gladys gave me this devilish smile. I roll my eyes, turning back around to Mr. Gilinsky. He look at my hand and gently held it. He stood me up and we walked out of the lounge. We went back to my cell and he say on my cot.

"So Jack, can you tell me about yourself?" He asked softly.

I couldn't find the words to say. I had so many thoughts, but couldn't get my mouth to move. I look down and blush, feeling stupid for not answering. He then stands up and reaches into his lab coat. I backed up to the wall, scared of what he's going to pull out. I covered my face and curled up in a little ball, leaning against the padded wall.

"Why are you frightened, Jack?" He asked quietly.

I remove my arms and peak of what he was taking out. It was a pencil and a little notepad. I haven't pick up a pencil since I was nine. I forgot who to use it, I was completely embarrassed of my illiterate self.

"Can't w-write," I said ashamed.

"Don't worry I'll teach you," he said smiling.

He walks over and sits down in front of me. He takes the pencil and puts it in my hand. He takes my three finger, my pointer, middle, and thumb putting them around the pencil, pinching the piece of wood. He puts his hand around mine as well and helps me write my name. It was sloppy, but I guess it was okay, I mean he's smiling.

"Write name p-please," I asked nervously.

I gave him the pencil back and he gently takes it out of my hand. He writes his full name, Mr. Jack Finnegan Gilinsky. My eyes widened when I saw my name written out so beautifully. I was beyond excited that we shared the same name.

"M-My name too," I said excitedly.

"That's right, Jack," he said smiling.

"J-Jack," I said scared.

"Yes, lovely," he said moving closer.

My breath hitches when he says that. I couldn't believe he actually called me lovely. No one ever called me that, not even Gladys. I didn't know what to say at that point. I felt this burning in my chest, but it felt good. I tried to think of what I was going to say, so I just couldn't think straight.

"Teach me how to write, please," I said quietly.

He smiles and sits next to me. I put my fingers in the previous position and tried my name, but failed miserably. I frowned at my sloppy handwriting, but Jack applauded at it.

"That's really good for the first try,"he said smiling.

I look to the paper, frowning at the monstrosity I've made. It's wasn't legible to read. I was so upset with it that I sink my nails deep into my skin. I felt ashamed that Jack was pitying me like that, just to make me feel better.

"What's wrong, Jack?" He asked worried.

"N-Not perfect," I said teary eyed.

"There's no such thing as perfect when it comes to writing your own name," he explained,"It's your name and you can write it however you please."

I faintly smile at his kind words. I look up into his soft brown eyes and I couldn't help myself. I hugged him tightly, taking in his beautiful sent. I feel his large arms wrapping around his small waist. I haven't felt so loved in my entire life. I wanted to stay like this forever, but that moment ended to quickly when a guard came in.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gilinsky, but visiting hours are over," he said politely.

"My apologies, I'll be right out," he said nicely back.

The guard then closes the heavy door, leaving is for a few moments. I gave back his pen and notepad, but he declined. I was confused on why he didn't want them back. He then stands up and picks me up. I was frightened that he was going to throw me across the room, but he walked me to my cot and laid me down.

"Keep practicing," he said giving back the pencil and notepad.

"Thank you, J-Jack," I said smiling.

He smiles at me once more and leaves.

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