Chaper 1:

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I woke up feeling excited because today is family day and my brother is coming to see me. My parents are afraid to see me because they are the ones who think I'm like this psycho killer, that might come after him. I waited for them to open the door. I paced around my cell like a caged animal which what they think I am.

"Why are you so anxious?" A voice asked.

I turn around, seeing Jack leaning against the pass wall. I walk over and hugged him tight, as he cradled me in his arms.

"I want to see my brother so badly," I said sadly,"I haven't seen him in ten years."

"I know baby, but be patient," he said kissing my head.

I see the door crack open and a guard enters the room. Jack lets go of me, waves goodbye, and disappears. I turn back to the guard, who pushed me out the door. I fell on the hard concrete outside my cell. I turn around, with tears in my eyes, and I look over him, who was chucking to himself. He came over to me and stomped on my back. I whimpered, quickly get up and tried to fight back.

"Oh Jack," he said gripping my neck,"One day, you'll learn."

"That's you're an asshole," I manage to say,"Kind of figure that out."

He punched me in the face and slams me into the concrete. I feel my head starting to bleed. I can hear my heart beating out of my chest. I feel the pain wash over me like tides. I struggled to get up, but I manage to crawl down the hall to the bathroom.

I rinse off my face, and limp down to the lounge, where they play that ratchet  music. I waited until they would take me to the room. I waited and waited to see my brother that I haven't see in like a decade.

"Jackie," a voice said.

I look up and it was Gladys, an old women who has been here since she was nine, and she almost sixty.

"Hey, Gladys," I said smiling,"How are you feeling?"

"Oh you know, like everyone else here in this hellhole, slowly going insane," she said laughing.

"I'm slowly going insane because of this fucking music," I said covering my ears.

"Keep your voice down, boy," she said worried,"I don't want you getting whipped again."

I roll my eyes because I always get whipped by those fucking nuns because I curse a lot. Just then I heard a loud slap, I look over and see crazy Connie slamming her head against the wall again. I see Brian prancing around the room like he's a dancer. Then I see Sammy rocking back and forth in the corner, twitching, and mumbling.

"Gladys, look at the time," I whispered pointing at the clock.

It was almost seven thirty. We both look at each other and giggled.

"In five, four, three, two, and..." I said before the clock started to ring.

Everyone around us started going crazy: screaming, running around the room, and funny part was they were knocking each other over. We both laughed so hard because every half an hour they always do that. It's kind of like a cartoon that's on television everyday.

"I bet Sister Catherine will coming soon," I said nudging Gladys.

Just then, I see the door spring open and everyone stopped acting insane and went back to their positions. Sister Catherine, a big old lady, but a short temper. If you piss her off, she'll crack you with a ruler, slam your head against the chalkboard, or even worse. Let's just say people don't come back the same person after that.

"Speak of the devil," Gladys said pointing to Satan herself.

I try to blend in with the chair as she walks by. I'm not afraid of anything, other than her. She'll gives you nightmares when you're alone in your cell. Anyway, she takes crazy Connie by the ear and walks her to the chalkboard.

"Since you like smashing your head until you bleed," Sister Catherine said teeth grinding,"You're going to enjoy this."

She grips her head and smashes her head repeatedly against the chalkboard. When she was done, she pushes Connie to the floor. There was blood dripping down the board. Everyone else look stunned, but I just rolled my eyes. Sister Catherine is actually in a very good mood. She walks back to the door, but doesn't leave just yet.

"Now that we are all calm, I would like to make an announcement," she said standing up straight,"Today your relatives will be visiting, be on your best behavior, or you will face the consequences."

She slams the door and everyone resume to what they were originally doing before the clock struck. Gladys and I talked for a little more before I was able to see my brother. I went back to my cell and waited until Jeff walked in. I stood up and hugged him tight, crying my eyes out.

"I-I miss you," he said crying as well.

"I m-miss you too," I said pulling him closer.

I feel him pick me up and cradle me in his arms. I took in the smell of his cologne, remembering his scent. When we stopped crying, I started talking what it's like here in this hellhole.

"So what's it like in the outside world," I asked interested in what he's going to say.

Before he could say anything, two guards came in and took Jeff out. I tried to get to him, but the other guard held me back. I manage to grab his hand and we held onto each for a good few moments. Our grip was slipping as the guards pulled us apart. The guard pulled him out of the room and slam the door shut. The other guard tried to keep me still, but I kept squirming, trying to break free.

"Why do you do this to me?!" I scream at the guard.

"Shut up, you fag!" He said throwing me against the wall.

I slide down and instantly started to cry. I forgot about the rule that you can't talk or have anything from the outside world. He left me here to writhe in pain and sob. I see something shining in the middle of my room. I crawl over to the object and it was a bracelet that spelled out Jack. There was a note attach to it.

Dearest Jack,

Even though your life has been really shit lately, I just want you to know that you always have me around. I love you so much and never forget that!

Love your brother,


I immediately hide the present under my cot. I realize it's time for me to go to bed, so I get into bed close my eyes and go to sleep.

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