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"NO! STOP! Release me!" I yelled, yanking my wrist and twisting it in different directions as Peter dragged me to God-Knows where.

"Your only hurting yourself, love. Either way though, I don't care." Peter chuckled, continuing on.

"You'll never get away with this! My family will find me and you will have to answer to them. Trust me, you won't like that." I began reasoning, although my family isn't very violent.

"Oh no, the French family is going to kill me. Wait, they're to nice to even hurt a fly." He snickered.

"That's not funny" I spat.

"Really? Cause it sure is hilarious to me!" Peter exclaimed.

"That's because you have no mercy! You have no soul to begin with! Your heart is as black-"

"You act as though that, that will hurt me. I'm Peter Pan, the villain that many know. I don't care about being kind and showing mercy." He growled.

"That just shows how much compassion you have" I mumbled.

It was silent the rest of the way to our destination. Once we arrived, I observed it and placed it as a camp. As I scanned it, I noticed that it was a camp full of teenage boys. Just boys.

'What? Girls to smart to fall for Peter Pan's wits?' I thought with a small smirk.


A tall boy in a dark brown cloak walked over, hearing Peter's orders.

"Yes, Pan?" the boy, Felix, asked. He kept his head low, not showing his face.

"Take our little guest, to where she shall be staying." Peter ordered.

"Yes, Pan" Felix obliged. He lifted his head up and I could finally examine his features. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. The most outstanding feature though, was a long scar from the left to the right side of his face.

"What do you mean, 'where I shall be staying?'" I asked wearily, looking up at Peter.

"What do you mean? I can't offer a pretty thing like yourself a place to sleep?" Peter asked innocently. If there is anything I've learned so far on this island, it's that Peter Pan is not innocent.

"Not they way you just treated me. It wasn't very friendly, might I add." I countered.

"Ah, your learning quick. Now I have some business to take care of so, Felix, if you could show Bree to her new room." Peter smirked. Felix smirked back and Peter turned on his heel, shouting back, "You're in charge while I'm gone."

Felix grabbed my upper arm and began dragging me through the camp and into the forest.

"What is up with people dragging me!" I snapped. I knew that trying to get free wouldn't be in my favor, so I refrained myself from doing so.

Felix let out a quiet chuckle, but continued on. He trudged through the forest, I having trouble keeping up in my white pumps. My dress getting ripped by the branches that were sticking out.

We finally came to a stop in front of a small cage-like thing. Felix shoved me in and tied the cage shut, then proceeded to lift the cage into the air.

'I hate heights' I thought bitterly as he tied the cage so that I was dangling in the air.

"Goodnight, Bree" Felix smirked before leaving. I was alone in the cage, dangling in the air by a thick rope, with no way out. 'This is just perfect.'

I curled myself into a ball and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. Soon, I will escape back to my home.

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