Escaping and Failing

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I woke up and saw that I was back in my cage. The boys at the camp could be heard and it was dark, possibly late at night.

"Let me out! You can't just cage me in here! Let me out!" I cried out. No one came, no one acknowledged that I was pleading to be let out. I growled in annoyance. 'Take this time, to form a plan to get out of here. Okay, okay just breathe. If it weren't for that pesky mermaid, I wouldn't be dangling in this cage. What else is in Peter Pan? Indians, they can't help. Pirates, their ship wasn't there when I swam over. Mermaids, can't trust those murderers. Fairies, I haven't seen a fairy glow anywhere near here. That doesn't mean that they're not out there. I'll run, find a fairy. If I'm right, they'll be in a cave, hiding. There, I'll ask for their help. The rest, I'll figure out depending on what they can do. Perfect plan.' My plan was set, I was ready. All I had to do, was get a chance to run. I looked down at my shoes and slid them off. They would only slow me down.

I got an idea and used the heel to try and cut the rope that held it closed. Thankfully, after about 10 or 15 minutes, I was able to snap the rope. I pushed the cage door open and climbed to the top, slowly and carefully. I grabbed the rope that was holding the cage up to keep me from falling. It was about a 20 to 30 feet drop. Not something that I would get a minor bruise from. A sturdy tree was next to me and I took a chance on swinging over to it. Once I was close enough, I grabbed the nearest branch. I smiled to myself, seeing as I'm doing all of this without being detected. I began descending down the tree and jumped when I was about 5 feet off the ground. I landed on my feet and feel onto my hands and knees. I felt a rush of adrenaline, knowing that I, was escaping.

I got to my feet and sprinted off, refraining from screaming with joy. I ran and ran, dodging trees to get to my unknown destination. When I was far enough, I slowed down to a jogging pace. If I were a fairy and in hiding, I would be on the opposite side of the camp. I followed my instincts and ran to where I would hope that they would be.

I found a small cave, hidden behind vines and leaves in the ground. I could stop here and hide, then, I would continue my search. I crawled in saw that it was big enough for two people. Enough room for me to stay hidden and sleep. I crawled to the back, snuggled up into a ball, and let myself drift off.

*The Next Day*

My eyes fluttered open and I let out a quiet yawn. I looked out of my small cave and saw that I was safe to exit. I did so and stretched out. I walked over to where the beach would be and followed it until I found a stream. I quickly jogged over and crouched, sipping some water and splashing some on my face and neck. I sighed in content, got up, and turned to continue my journey.

I took some time into looking around at the scenery, smiling at small things like, hidden flowers that were barely blooming. To think Neverland would be a place of laughter and enjoyment. A place where you can escape all your worries, now I want nothing more but to go back to the Infinite Forest and live there forever.

(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)

"Felix, go check on our prisoner." I ordered.

Felix, my second hand mate, stood and nodded. He left, taking his club with him. The Lost Boys were busy getting the camp ready for when I bring Henry here. After about five minutes, Felix returned, looking nervous and angered.

"She has escaped, Pan" Felix informed. I felt anger rise inside of me, I began to see red. Like a bull, I charged over to Felix.

"Who was on watch duty last night?" I growled.

"That would be Aaron, Pan" Felix answered.

"Bring him to me" I ordered fiercely.

"As you wish, Pan" Felix complied, a smirk taking place before he walked over to one of the Lost Boys. The boy looked up and looked over at me then Felix before nodding and standing up.

"Yes, Pan?" The boy, I presume as Aaron, asked nervously.

"Were you on watch duty last night?" I asked slowly.

"Yes, Pan"

"Really, cause a prisoner of mine escaped their cage last night. How is that possible, Aaron?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"I wasn't watching last night"

"Now why is that?" I pressed.

"Because I hate working for you! I want off this-" he dropped dead after I ripped out his heart.

"Your free" I state with a smirk. I dropped the heart and all the Lost Boys stared with wide eyes. "Anyone else?"

They all shook their head and went back to their task. My smirk widened, knowing that they all feared me. If they fear me, then they are loyal to me.

"What would you suggest we do about the prisoner?" Felix asked.

"Well who doesn't like a little game of hide and seek. Our little prisoner is hiding, so let's seek." I answered with a wicked smile.

"Yes sir" Felix obliged, showing a wicked smile of his own.

"Boys! Let's play!"

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