Switchin' Without Missin'

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(Bree's P.O.V.)

"It's time to lock up, Bree!" Belle announced.

"Whatever." I grumbled.

I was working at Mr.Gold's Shop with of course Mr.Gold/Rumplestilskin and Belle. After the whole yell-y, yell-y thing at Granny's Diner, I spent most the day in my room with therapy. By therapy I mean intense ice cream eating while watching reruns of The Vampire Diaries.

My love life sucks just as much as Damon's did when Katherine left him in the 1800s. I'm Damon in that flashback and Peter's Katherine, though he did care about me and we were technically still together.

The next day, or should I say today, Belle dragged me out of bed to help her in the shop. I cleaned the floors and organized some of the shelves while dusting them off. I felt like freaking Cinderella.

I walked out the shop, spacing myself away from Rumple and Belle. We ended up being ambushed by Emma, David, and Mary Margret.

"No, I'm afraid we're closed. Whatever crisis you're dealing with, I'm done for the day." Rumple declined before they could speak.

"Rumple." Belle mumbled.

"Pandora's box, give it to me." Emma ordered.

"But why would I do that?" Rumple asked.

"We need to open it." Emma answered.

"And let Pan escape, what are you crazy?" Rumple questioned.

"Peter's in the Pandora box?" I asked in disbelief.

"Somehow he's controlling the shadow from inside the box. Henry's life is in danger." Mary Margret explained.

"And you think letting Pan out will change that?" Rumple pressed.

"Yes, because we can stop him finally and forever." Emma answered.

"Spoken like a true hero." I commented sarcastically. 

"All do respect miss Swan, Bree, Belle, and I barely succeeded handling him the first time. If I've learned one thing, it's not to tempt fate." Rumple stated.

"I am not looking to apprehend him. Wouldn't you rather be sure he's gone?" Emma questioned, glancing my way.

"What do you have in mind?" Rumple asked.

"Someplace where we can be sure he won't hurt anyone." Emma stated.

"The Storybrooke entering area should work, then." Rumple suggested.

"You bastards." I whispered.

"You have to understand, Bree. This is also for you." Belle tried to get me to see her point of view.

"For you, my ass." I grumbled.

Though I didn't want to watch them hurt the one person holding me here, I followed them. Only to end up at the Storybrooke entering sign where a red line separated us. You become an ordinary person basically once you cross over.

We stepped out of the cars, Rumple carrying the Pandora box.

"There's no magic beyond the turn line. If we release Pan outside Storybrooke, he'll be powerless to fight back." Rumple stated.

"Uh-uh," Emma halted Rumple from going over the line. "I'm doing this."

"I can cross the line and retain my memories." Rumple assured.

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