Realization Can Pack A Punch

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(Bree's P.O.V.)

"Good morning, little bird," Peter greeted as I awoke from my cage.

Obviously not allowed to sleep in a tent because I had the chance of trying to make a break for it. Also, there's the fact that I would find my way to the group.

"Pan," I grit out.

"Why the hostility, love?" Peter asked mockingly.

"Nothing that you would care about...... I don't believe I've ever gotten a straight answer." I state, staring into his hypnotizing, green eyes.

"A straight answer for what?" Peter asked curiously.

"Why am I here? You could have any other girl in the world, possibly even someone more willing, yet here I am. Along with the fact that, you've practically protected me this whole time, even if you didn't realize it. Even if I didn't realize it...." I mumbled the last part, looking down at my hands with a frown.

He was quiet and I didn't dare look up. Nothing was said between us and all I could hear was the rustling of leaves and the light cheering from the lost boys.

"Say something," I sighed, finally looking up.

"It's my business and my business only as to why your here. You have no right to question my doings." Peter stated firmly.

"I want to know, what makes me so special to you, Peter? Does this have to do with the book Rumple was talking about?" I questioned.

"Would you give it a rest?" Peter snapped.


"Why?" Peter groaned.

"Because I want to know!" I fired back.

"Who said that I cared what you want!" Peter shot.


"The hell I did?" Peter spat.

"It's practically written all over you. I bet, that if I left you, you would feel broken and incomplete. I bet, that everyday you jump with joy at the thought of seeing my face again. Sadly, being the bastard you are, you can only get as far as slapping me." I confidently spoke with a smirk.

"And I bet that everything you said, is the complete opposite of what you meant. I bet that you jump for joy when I come and visit and I bet that you are heartbroken about the fact that the only pleasure you'll get from me, is a slap." Peter replied with his own little smirk.

"God! Your are so cowardly-like it's sickening!" I yelled.

"Aw, am I making you frustrated?" Peter mocked.

"I'm done with you! I hate you with every fiber in my body!" I screamed.

It was silent and I felt guilt creep into my system. I looked up and saw Peter with wide eyes, filled with more emotions than I've ever seen before. I saw things that I wouldn't have known to be there until now. Hurt, betrayal, anger, and lost.

"Peter I didn't-"

"Fine! You want off this bloody island? Then be my fucking guest because as far as I'm concerned, why have someone here who hates you." Peter snapped, a slight crack at the end of his rant.

My heart stopped as I realized the words that just came out of his mouth. He was setting me free. Maybe I should have been ecstatic and bouncing with joy. I could have been screaming with glee, but I wasn't. If he let me go, where would I go? Why in the world would I want to leave if I wanted to be here so badly? I did want to leave, but that's because he made me stay. I knew I wasn't getting off the island and deep down, I was okay with that. Knowing that I'm leaving the island, made me want to cry. Leaving Peter Pan, made me want to die.

Peter opened the cage angrily and pulled me out. He took a step back after releasing his grip and watched me.

"I'll call my shadow to take you away-"

"No" I cut him off.


"I'm not leaving," I clarified.

"Why the bloody hell not?" Peter questioned, scrunching his eyebrows together in frustration.

"Because I can't," I stated simply.

"I'm giving you permission, so you can." Peter stated, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Well maybe I don't want to," I countered.

"I wouldn't see why not." Peter huffed.

"Because..." I trailed.

"Because why?"

"Because I don't want to leave you..." I mumbled.

It was quiet. That's all that ever happens now. I say something and then Peter doesn't say anything after. I wouldn't blame him though, I've said some really deep shit.

"You make no sense," Peter sighed.


"First you hate my guts and then next thing I know, you're in love with me." Peter explained.

"I don't love you," I retorted.

"Sure you don't," Peter chuckled.

"Not wanting to leave you and loving you are completely different." I replied defensively.

"Not wanting me to leave you is also falling in love with me. You just don't realize it yet." Peter scoffed.

"You are so arrogant it's aggravating," I sighed.

"I'm so aggravating, you love it." Peter tried to correct.


"Scream for me, baby!"




"Yes, Bree!"

"Stop!" I yelled.

Peter bursted out into a fit of laughter and I couldn't help it myself. Next thing I know, we're laughing on the ground, holding out stomachs.

I finally catch my breath and so does Peter. I looked over at him and I couldn't help the grin that took place on my face. Hearing him laugh was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

Wait, what? Am I actually falling for Peter? The same guy that's put me through hell and back, then hell and back some more? One glance confirmed my theory. I was slowly starting to fall for Peter, Peter Pan.

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