Arranged Marriage and Neverland

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*Before Bree Arrived In Neverland*
'Knock knock' I heard from my door.

"Come in" I called through the door. I was sitting at my vanity running a brush through my long, brown and auburn ombré hair.

My double doors opened and revealed one of my castle maids, Mary. She had blonde hair, green eyes, and wore a bright smile. The weird thing was that today, there wasn't a sign of happiness. There was no smile.

"Mary, is there a problem?" I asked, standing up from my vanity. I walked over so that I was standing in front of her. She was about an inch or two shorter than I was, but at the same time, I was wearing practically five inch heels.

"Belle would like to speak with you, ma'am." Mary simply stated in a small voice. I nodded and she moved to the side for me to exit. I sighed and headed downstairs.

I descended the stairs and met my sister, Belle at the bottom. Next to her was Rumplestilskin, her fiancé or whatever.

"You asked for me?" I quizzed, keeping myself in a 'proper' stance.

"Rumple, has brought it to my attention that you are 17 years old, almost 18." Belle started.

"That is true" I confirmed.

"Well, there isn't anyway to put this lightly so I'm just going to say it. You are to marry Gaston the day after you turn 18." Belle finished.


"I'm sorry, but you'll thank me later." Belle sighed.

"Really? Cause right now I'm thinking of all the possible violence I can cause upon Rumple." I spat.

"Violence is not the answer! This is what's best for our kingdom." Belle tried reasoning.

"What does father think of all this?" I asked.

"He was actually in on this too. Gaston was supposed to marry me, but I was able to stay with Rumple...."

"Rumple made a deal with father and Gaston so that you could marry Rumple. Rumple made a deal that I would marry Gaston and you would marry him." I figured.

"Well, you're not wrong." Rumple said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Nice to know that you have my back, Belle." I state disappointedly. "You are the worst example for my sister and you really a monster." I said looking at Rumple.

Belle frowned and Rumple continued to smile. This, this is the last day I see they're faces. I'm leaving, even if I have to kill my way out. I turned and raced back up the decorated stairs and into my bedroom.

Under my bed, I kept a book copy of different lands. I was in the Enchanted Forest right now. The Enchanted forest was the main land of where everyone lives. Another world is Wonderland. As a kid I would read books about this place and when I was under the curse, I had watched the movie. Then, there was Land without Color or Land without Magic, Fairy Tale Land, 1920's England, Oz, Victorian Land, and Neverland. Neverland, a place where you don't ever have to worry about growing up, but the sad part was that Peter Pan was supposedly evil.

"My only option is between Wonderland and Oz. Those to lands are the only lands that I would be able to actually stay in. A place without magic, is a place I rather not be in, considering last time I forgot who I was. The others I just have no interest in." I mumbled to myself.

I quickly grabbed a bag and climbed out the window, not bothering to stuff anything in the bag. All I have in my closet is dresses and heels. I'll make a stop by a market or something and get clothes there.

After I had not so skillfully climbed out my window, I began my journey. I walked along the cobblestone path and into the Infinite Forest. They say that there is absolutely no way out of the forest, but I know someone that can take me to another world that lives around this forest.

~~Time Skip~~

It's been six or so hours and I still have not found my destined location. My feet are probably blistering in these five inch pumps, and it was beginning to become dark. The air became colder and colder by the minute and I was trying to find somewhere to rest. I decided on sitting at a boulder to rest my feet.

"You look lost" I heard a male voice speak. I looked back and saw a man standing there without a care in the world.

"I am actually. I'm looking for a man in these woods that goes by the name of Jeffery. Do you happen to know where this man is?" I asked hopefully.

"If I did, why are you looking for him?"

"That is none of your concern" I state.

"Well, I guess you don't want to see him. Carry on with your blistering feet."

"Wait!" I called after him.

"Yes?" he asked, knowing he won.

"I want to go to another world. I need him in order to succeed." I explained.

"Ah, well okay then. Where would you like to go?" He asked with a smile, taking out a tall hat.

"Your Jeffery?"

"Yes ma'am. What would your name be?" Jeffery quizzed.

"Bree" I answered simply.

"Just Bree? No last name?"

"Why do you need my last name?" I countered.


"French. Bree French." I answered.

"Well Bree French, where would you like to go?" Jeffery asked, taking his hat and tossing it to the ground.

"I don't know, anywhere!" I exclaimed, trying to be heard as the hat began to spin and purple smoke appeared.

"In the hat, you can choose where you wish to go!" Jeffery yelled back.

"What worlds can I choose from?" I asked.

"Wonderland, Oz, Victorian Land, maybe another one. There isn't Neverland or Land Without Magic." Jeffery stated.

"How could I get to Neverland or Land without Magic?" I yelled back. 'If I couldn't get to these places with his infamous hat, but I could somehow else, they wouldn't be able to find me.' I thought to myself.

He closed the portal and sighed. "You're wasting my turn." Jeffery states before turning and disappearing into the forest.

'Great' I thought bitterly. 'I don't have a ride to another world.'

I sat down in a huff and growled. There is another way I could get to Neverland, could work too. Believe in the shadow figure.

So I did, I believed in the shadow figure and pleaded for him to take me to Neverland. After a minute or two nothing happened, then, like magic, I was lifted into the air and flown toward the second star on the right. I let out a screech of surprise as it heaved me into the sky and flew like lightning.

As it came closer to the star, I prepared myself for just in case matters. It zoomed through the star and a second or two later, we were flying towards an island. Neverland.

As we hovered over the island, the shadow figure released me and I fell into the coast of the beach. I felt the sand beneath me as I crash landed. The shadow figure flew off and I was left alone.

The island seemed dark and mysterious, the ocean, haunting. I walked towards the forest and explored as much as I could in five inch heels and a short, puffy dress. I heard a snap of a tree branch and turned around, my heart beginning to raise.

"Is someone out there?"

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