Hide and Seek with Tinkerbell

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I heard the snap of a twig and spun around, facing a girl with dirty blonde hair, tied up in a bun. She had green eyes, and a small frame. Her clothes were different textures of green and brown, like Peter. She held a basket full of berries and held a fierce aura around her.

"Who are you?" She asked harshly and in a hushed town.

"I'm Bree French. Who are you?" I asked back.

"I'm Tinkerbell. How did you get on the island? Pan doesn't allow girls." She quizzed, narrowing her eyes.

"I was token by his shadow. By the way, your a girl and your on the island." I pointed out.

"I'm a ......fairy..... I'm supposed to be on the island. Pan let me stay as long as I don't get in the way. You're not a fairy, so that means that you're running from Pan." Tinkerbell stated.

"Yeah, I'm running alright. I've been looking for a fairy actually. Do you think that you can help me get off this island?" I asked with hopeful eyes.


"No?" I repeated.


"Why not?" I asked frowning.

"No one gets off this damned island without Pan's permission. Besides, even if it were possible, I wouldn't be able to help you." Tinkerbell explained.

"But I want to go back" I groaned.

"Then why did you leave in the first?" She spat in annoyance. "Now if you excuse me, I am leaving. I don't need to be in the mix with you and Pan."

I was taken aback by her rudeness, but nodded none the less. She walked past me and I stood there like an idiot. 'New plan. Hide on Neverland until someone comes to rescue me. If someone will ever rescue me.' I thought sadly.

I began walking around, not knowing what else to do. I then heard a hoot and holler from the distance. 'They were close.' I thought. My eyes widened and I quickly turned around and began sprinting in the opposite direction.

Everywhere I ran, I could here them cheering in joy, as if they were playing a game.

(Peter Pan's P.O.V.)
I smiled as the Lost Boys all spread out to look for my prisoner. They would holler with joy and to scare the pretty little girl.

"Pan we have news." Felix stated with pride.

"It better be good." I stated.

"About five minutes ago, she was discussing something with Tinkerbell. She should be close to that area. The boys are closing in on her. We've got her Pan." Felix answered. The news brought a smile to my face.

"Felix, you have never failed me. Not once and you have always been very loyal to me. This is why I consider you a worthy friend. Now bring her to me, or better yet, I'll surprise her myself." I suggested. I stood up and raced into the forest with Felix right behind me.

I listened for the sound of small feet, pattering against the floor. I smirked when I heard them coming from the east side of my island. I ran over and saw her running toward the ocean. 'Let's hope she doesn't try and swim off with the mermaids again.' I thought bitterly.

She came to a stop when she saw that it was the beach. She grumbled something before turning around and freezing when she saw me. Her eyes widened and she visibly stiffened.

"Running away from me, never did you any good. In the end, Peter Pan never fails." I smirked darkly. She stayed silent and stiff, her big, brown eyes never leaving mine. "Cat caught your tongue?" I mocked, slowly walking over to her.

"Please don't punish me." She rushed out. "I only ran cause I didn't want to be punished."

"But how do I know that you've learned your lesson?" I continued to smirk.

"I know you don't show mercy or anything, but I can promise you that I will never, ever run away again. If I'm leaving, it's because someone had rescued me from this retched place or you died." She spat. Her eyes widened and she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry."

"Because I've died, huh. Well I can assure you that I will never die. Take it as a promise." I growled. "Take her to my tent."

The Lost Boys obeyed and walked over to her. They brought her hands behind her back and tied it up. She didn't show much of a fight as they began walking back to camp. She kept her head down as they disappeared into the forest.

"Felix, I'm leaving to go and get Henry. Make sure she doesn't escape." I informed. "You're in charge."

'Time to start phase 1' I smirked.

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