Flashing Back & Something New

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Bree's P.O.V.

A few noneventfull days have passed since Peter and I had kissed. It wasn't one of those things where they ignore you for the time being, in fact, quite the opposite of that. We've spent a lot of time together.

Peter has begun to let me in on his plan against Emma and the rest. I would go over the plan with him and help create strategic plans on winning. We had backup plans, a ready army of Lost Boys, and I was going to be a bit of a distraction to Rumple.

That's not all we did though. Peter has also taken me on a grand tour of the island so that I would know my way around for precaution measures. We were able to get a visual on what we are able to do to complete the plan. Not to mention a couple of super cute date he had planned.


"Where are we going?" I asked laughing.

Peter came out of nowhere saying he had a surprise for me. He had then been dragging me through the endless forest to Lord-knows where. I could hear the sound of waves coming closer and the salty smell was getting stronger and stronger as we got closer. It was then that we had stopped at the beach and I stared at Peter.

"Okay, I need you to close your eyes and wrap yourself around me." Peter ordered with a sly smirk.

"Peter, where are you taking me?" I quizzed, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"You'll see, just trust me. Remember, it's a surprise." Peter replied.

I sighed but followed his orders and closed my eyes. He placed a cloth around my head covering my eyes. I felt him take my hands and wrap them around his neck. Peter tapped my ass, signaling that he wanted me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. I did just that, and Peter began lifting us off of the ground.

I could feel the wind as we soared through the sky, it felt magical. I embraced the feeling with open arms, never wanting it to end. But then again, there was something waiting for us, only a few yards away and I knew that it would probably be the best thing ever.

Peter landed and I unwrapped my legs from his waist and released my hands from around his neck. I turned away from him so he could untie the cloth covering my eyes. As it dropped to the ground, I was greeted with the sight of a beautiful picnic-like dinner. A smile creeped onto my face as the bright lights illuminated the scene and rose petals were scattered around the table with two seats placed across from each other.

Peter placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me over to the magnificent scene. I looked up at him, with a smile on face, as he sat me down on one of the chairs before taking a seat himself.

"This is absolutely breathtaking Peter, thank you!" I exclaimed in awe over the scene.

"Well, I wanted our first date to be memberable for the two of us." Peter replied.

"And it certainly will be. I can't thank you enough." I said in glee.

"Well, really, it's about you forgiving me. I was harsh and cruel, it really confuses me on how you are able to actually like me in anyway." Peter explained.

"Well, I guess you could say it runs in the family. My sister fell in love with Rumple, a man who locked her away from her home. I..... I fell for a man who kept me away from home and was cruel. Though now, it doesn't matter because you allowed me to love you." I explained back.

"Don't you think it's a bit to early to say love in this messed up relationship?" Peter quizzed raising an eyebrow.

"Well it depends. Do you love me, Peter?" I asked, slightly tilting my head.


I looked down and fiddled with the end of my ratted up dress. I knew that it was probably a bit too early, but I did hope that he would possible slightly love me.

"Though I do not love you, I do like you. I hope that this doesn't hurt our new relation, but I believe that it would be better if we didn't lie to each other about our feelings." Peter stated.

"You're right."

"Aren't I always?" Peter asked rhetorically.

I let out a light laugh, knowing that it does take time to love. Especially when you've never felt love before.

~~End of Flashback~~

I was brought out from my thoughts as Peter entered the tent I have been sleeping in. He gave me a light smile, silently telling me it was time. I stood up and walked over to him to exit the tent.

"Before you go, I thought you might want more appropriate clothing for battle." Peter said.

I felt a wide smile creep my face as I thought about getting new clothes. I'm a girl, a princess really, and clothes were one thing that I loved. Specifically shopping at that. Peter waved his hand over me and a light cloud of green pixie dust surrounded me.

"Now think of something to wear. Please don't be completely ridiculous and wish for a poofy dress." Peter complained.

"Haha, very funny." I remarked.

I thought of an outfit that would be better to wear and then opened my eyes. I looked down and saw that it was exactly what I wanted. It was a green v-neck, dark skinny jeans, knee high converse, a cargo-like jacket, sports bra, and a green bow. I specifically liked this outfit, it felt like it would be my type of style in the modern world.

"Much better." Peter complemented.

"Have a little faith in my fashion sense, Pan." I chuckled.

"Alright, I don't want them getting to close to you. I went over the best weapons and picked two out for you. You will begin training tomorrow and join us the next day. That way, they won't try and hurt me with you around to protect me." Peter informed.

"Can't I just go with you guys tomorrow?" I pleaded.

"I don't think-"

"Please" I cut him off.

"Alright, but you will follow my orders." Peter ordered out.

"Yes sir, Peter sir." I teased. He narrowed his eyes at me and I quickly straightened up. "So what are my weapons?"

"Daggers and a bow and arrow." Peter answered.

"Sounds fun."

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