Feelings Are Dangerous

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(Bree's P.O.V.)

Okay so many people believe that they've gone crazy. Some hear voices in their head that tell them to do something. Well, I think I may have begun to go mad.

"Kiss me..."

Such simple words. Two small little words, morphed into a command. Yet, such a big impact.

"What?" I asked, trying to make sure I heard him right.

"Kiss me, like you always do. I know it's kind of...... Public, but they seem to doubt our affections." Peter explained simply.

"Um... Yeah, okay." I hesitated.

I slowly turned towards him and looked him in the eyes. He placed his hands on my waist, I placed mine on his shoulders. I stood up on my tippy toes, not having my heels on made me shorter by a lot. He leaned down some and came close. His eyes glanced at my lips, a faint smirk etched into his face.

"I confess! I can't kiss him! He's a wretched monster who deserves to be locked up! You said it yourself Regina, it's a lie." I quickly confessed, exasperated.

"Your are so in for a punishment of a life time, princess." He mocked.

"It's better than kissing a bastard such as yourself." I retaliated.

He glared murderously. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under, slowly disintegrating.

"As for the rest of you, I hope to finish this lovely conservation later." Peter smirked.

As soon as I saw them, we were gone. We were at the camp, Peter with an angered look on his face.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized.

"You can take that apology and you can shove it right up your ass!" Peter yelled.

"I just couldn't go threw with your plan!" I defended.

"Why? Why couldn't you go threw with my plan? It's pretty simple if you ask me!" Peter continued yelling.

"How could I kiss you without real emotion? That's just wrong and against my morals!" I shouted.

"Your morals are just words used to make you look classy. There would be emotion! You would be filled with hatred and I would be filled with amusement." Peter smirked.

"That's not right!"

"Is it wrong?" He questioned.


"How?" He continued asking.

"You and your ridiculous questions. How is it wrong? It's wrong because I don't want that! I don't want to kiss a man who's physically, verbally, and mentally abused me. I don't want to kiss a man out of command. I certainly don't want to kiss a man who's not even a man. Just a coward craving power and fear. You're a control freak and a monster. I refuse to kiss someone I don't love!" I explained harshly.

"... You're just saying that." Peter sighed with a broken smirk.

"No, I'm saying the truth. You know deep down, I'm right." I stated.

"Well looks like there will never be a kiss happening then." Peter shrugged.

"Whys that?"

"Because love is a weakness. Show it, people can use it against you. In the end, love is probably the most dangerous game played." Peter explained.

"It's a game to you?" I asked.

"The most ruthless of them all." Peter smirked.

"Sorry, I just can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." I commented.

'Smack.' I fell to the floor and held my cheek.

"You're fighting for love, look where that got you." Peter snapped.

"To truly realize how everyone was right about you?That you're a bloody demon?" I snapped back.

"To realize that, in the end, you get hurt." Peter countered.

"Why do you hate love so much?" I sighed.

"Cause it ruined my life."

"Cause it ruined my life."

Those words replayed in my head over and over. He sounds like a person who's broken and now craves power and fear to make up for it. Broken people can always be fixed though....

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