Game Time (Part Two)

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(Bree's P.O.V.)

"Peter, can we speak.... Alone?"

"Whatever you have to say to me, you can say to my boys." Peter answered stubbornly.

I huffed, irritated at him for being such a child. I rolled my eyes and adjusted myself in the net. I felt like it was giving my ass a wedgie.

"First off, can you please let me out of this net? It's getting really uncomfortable in some regions." I started, speaking my thoughts.

Peter signaled for them to cut me down. They walked over to a tree and took their weapons, aiming to slash it in half. My eyes went wide as I would, probably, break something if I were to free-fall out of this net.

"No wait!"

To late. They already slashed the rope that was keeping me up and I fell towards the ground. I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes.

The weird thing was, I never collided with the ground. I fell into a pair of awaiting arms. As cliche as it was for me, being a princess and falling into a mans arms, I froze in fear. Peter Pan was holding me up in his arms. I felt like the world stopped, waiting for him to yell at me for some odd reason. Blame me for not being ready for the fall or something. It never came. Instead he set me on the floor, but my legs were bit wobbly from being pressed against the net and all running I previously had been doing, so he held me still for a moment. I felt my face flush as he put his hands on my waist.

"Can you stand or do we need to call a doctor?" Peter spoke, breaking me out of my trance.

"Haha, last time I checked, there wasn't any doctors on the island." I stated smartly.

"One of the lost boys could have a job at being a doctor and you just wouldn't know it." Peter countered.

I sat silent as he could be telling the truth. Hint the word could.

"Well that would be highly unlikely seeing as, you show no mercy and having a doctor around would be showing mercy. Henceforth, there aren't any doctors here." I concluded.

"Well look at you, being miss smarty pants. You know, I'm beginning to think-"

"Well that can be deadly." I cut him off with a chuckle.

He scowled and I rose my hands in the air as surrender. Well, more like mock surrender. For he has given me that look plenty of times before. Now, it's nothing more than a mere facial expression to me.

"Sorry your majesty." I mocked with a smirk. A smirk that he always so proudly wore.

"If you don't want to be found in a cage in the next 5 seconds, I advise you close your pretty little trap." Peter threatened.

"You think I'm pretty?" I smiled.

"What? That's not the point!" Peter snapped in irritation.

"It's apart of the point." I provoked further.

"This type of behavior will get your ass thrown into the cage!" Peter continued to threaten.

"Oh come on! We went over this Peter! The cage just isn't working anymore. You could lock me in there for a century, it won't do anything. I've already been in it on countless occasions. If anything, I rather be in the cage more, than have to be near you." I exclaimed.

"Well I guess I could just force a few punishments onto you. Hang you above the crocodiles head, just enough where he could only graze your toes." He smirked.

I frowned. Being hung above a crocodile, while watching him and lost boys laugh at my fear would be dreadful. Though I wonder, would he ever actually kill me? I mean, he's threatened to do horrible things to me, but would he go as far as to kill me? Or would he goes as low as to rape me? He's already hit me and you can expect that from a power hungry asshole.

"Peter, why do you always come up with empty threats?" I questioned his threats.

"Excuse me?" Peter snapped.

"You've said that you would kill me, but you haven't even done anything to prove that you would." I explained further.

"Don't think I won't do it right now." Peter growled.

"You're doing it again. If I didn't know better, I would say that a tiny part of you actually cares about my well being. Then again, you're nothing but a stubborn asshole." I provoked.

"Watch that tongue, missy."

"Make me" I smirked.


"Is that the best you've got?" I continued to poke.


"That's about as far as you'll go isn't it?" I chuckled.

My cheek was stinging and Peter rose his hand again, but this time to didn't slap me. He clenched it into a fist and pulled it back, letting it drop back to where it was to begin with.

"This is ridiculous." Peter commented, turning his head into another direction.

"It's very ridiculous, actually. Peter Pan is nothing more than a teddy bear with anger issues." I spoke.

"SHUT UP!" Peter yelled.

I smiled at him. I can push him as far as you can push a person before they break and he still hasn't proven that he is a cold-hearted monster. Don't get me wrong. Those slaps stung like a bitch, but that's as far as he'll probably go. He probably doesn't even like slapping me as much as he acts like he does.

"You truly aren't a full monster. Thanks for proving that." I whispered.

"I am a cold-hearted asshole like you've claimed me to be." He denied.

"I said those things because, honestly, I've been raised around nothing but perfection. Everyday men would make sure the women were happy and healthy and it was boring. Being here, did actually help open my eyes to true adventure and I thank you for that." I continued.

"Don't thank me for your family being such dweebs. If anything I might just pay them a friendly visit, proving how much of great person I really am." Peter grumbled, rolling his eyes in irritation.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"But I would!" Peter smirked before flying off.


Next UPDATE will be
Jan. 2-3 2016
I decided to UPDATE earlier today.
Hope you enjoyed.
If I get at least 25 likes I'll UPDATE 3 chapters by the 3rd of January.

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