Game Time (Part One)

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I would like to quickly apologize for the dilemma. Here is the UPDATE I had promised you.

(Bree's P.O.V.)

"Game on"

I ran through the forest, trying to find the best hiding place. After I agreed to the game, to finally have some fun, they explained how to play it. Then, they added something else out of humor. They explained how if I were caught by a lost boy, I would get one punishment by said lost boy. Me, being my daring self, agreed to said punishment and you can guess how that's going for me.

A bright idea popped into my head and I remembered Tinkerbell. She may have said that she wouldn't help me, but I could always lead the boys to her little hide out. This way, they would spend time asking her questions as to where I am. 'Thank you brain' I applauded myself with a bragging smirk.

I ran through the vast forest, wanting to get to a safe distance. After I found a good place to attract attention, I screamed out, "You'll never catch me alive you big boogers!"

Okay, so maybe that was a stupid diss, but I didn't have much time to think of a good diss and it did the trick anyways. I heard their hoots and hollers and darted towards Tink's hideout.

"Come on you dumb hooligans!" I continued to lead them.

I saw a small clearing and smiled, knowing that I had made it to my desired destination. I walked inside, not rushing since they were a good amount of yards away. Possibly even a mile away.

"I thought I told you to stay away." A familiar feminine voice spat.

"Oh how lovely it is to hear your sweet and melodic voice." I sarcastically sighed, spinning around to come face-to-face with Tinkerbell.

"You're not welcomed here" she continued.

"Don't worry, I'm not staying for long. Just passing through. You don't mind, do you?" I asked sweetly.

"Well, I wouldn't want to slow you down then." Tinkerbell stated with a false smile.

"Okay just one more thing I would like to do before I go." I said.

"And what could you possibly do? I am armed you know."

"Nothing to harmful. THANKS TINKERBELL! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE BOYS!" I screamed as loud as possible.

Tinkerbell hissed and placed her hand over her ears. She glared after I had finished.

"What in the bloody hell was that about?" Tinkerbell asked with a red face.

"You'll see..." I trailed before I took off, ninja style.

I giggled as I ran through the forest. Tinkerbell was going to be angry after that. I heard the 'hoots' and 'hollers' coming from behind me, meaning the lost boys had arrived at her camp. I hid in some bushes and watched as they tried to get answers from her. She looked flustered and angered at the same time.

"Idiots" I mumbled, taking off in the other direction.

I arrived back at camp, huffing and puffing. I looked around and smirked to myself, knowing that they hadn't arrived yet. They said that if I could get around the island without them catching me, I would win.

I walked towards the camp when I flew up into the air and out of shock and surprise, I screamed out. I looked around to see what happened and I had been caught in a net.

"Bloody hell" I cursed.

"Well, well, well"

"Who's the big booger now?"

The lost boys surrounded me from underneath. They all held their clubs and spheres against their shoulder with proud smirks on their faces. One of the lost boys stepped forward with a mischievous smirk, much like Pan's. Then again, compared to Pan, they all looked like soft teddy bears.

"We win, we all caught you so we get to pick your punishment." He stated.

"This is cheating" I glared.

"No it isn't. We never said that we couldn't set up traps around the island." Another lost boy stated.

"It was never cleared either. Besides, how did you know where I was going to step?" I asked.

"Simple, we knew what route you were going to take after you led us to Tinkerbell's place. We knew a shortcut to get here faster and we had enough time to set up a trap and here you are now. Being Pan's lost boy really pays off." The same lost boy explained.

"Well if you ask me, Peter Pan is nothing but a two-face, bipolar, egotistical, bastard father, controlling dick. All of you guys are his little minions. You're like a lap dog for him. You're nothing but his bitches and he's nothing more than the devil, holding your leashes." I spat harshly.

Their faces paled and stepped away from me. I frowned and, with a lot of struggle, turned around to see Peter Pan. I felt my face pale and I internally smacked and strangled myself. His face held a calm demeanor, which I think may be scarier than when he's angry.

"Would you like to repeat that please?" Peter asked, placing his hands behind him.

"That you're the most wonderful, kind-hearted, merciful soul ever?" I asked innocently, trying to cover my tracks.

"I would say that it went along the lines of a bastard and a devil." Peter stated, narrowing his eyes.

"You must have heard me wrong. In fact, I think it's one of these back-stabbing boys that you consider as friends. They're untrustworthy." I lied, a kind smile on my face.

They lost boys glared at me. It may be wrong to try and turn Peter on his own boys, but they are rude and perverted.

"That's a filthy, cold-hearted lie." A lost boy snapped at me.

"You're a filthy, cold-hearted lie." I snapped back.

"ENOUGH!" Peter barked.

My eyes went wide and I quickly clamped my mouth shut. 'Why must I always be the victim?' I cried out in my head. 'Maybe because you always cause the problem' a voice in my head snapped. Having an internal battle with myself wasn't going to help me now.

"Peter, can we speak.... Alone?"

Next UPDATE may come on Dec. 29- Jan. 1

Thanks for reading!

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