Chapter One

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My name is Rebekah Leigh, I'm twenty one years old, and I have about five minutes before my blind audition on Season 5 of NBC's "The Voice." Okay, I should probably back up some.

I grew up singing. My mother used to sing all the time. All around the house, she would sing as she did her work. She would sing me to sleep. She sang more than anything. But when I was fifteen, she died of cancer. I wanted to give up on singing then, but my friends and father encouraged me to keep up my work.

So I did. I made a YouTube channel where I covered songs and even performed some of my own. Most of my original songs were about my mother.

Never was I expecting to get a call from NBC inviting me to The Voice Blind Auditions. But somehow, it happened, and I was about to perform to find out whether or not I was going to be on Season 5.

I wanted to get on more than anything. I was just a girl from a small town in Indiana, and compared to most, I wasn't much. But I was going to try.

Examining myself in the mirror once more, I tried to ready myself for my audition. I was wearing a black lace shirt over a tank top, and black jeans with sparkles on them. I had black shoes on, and my dark brown hair was pulled back in a bun. Nothing extraordinary, but I wasn't going up there looking like a hobo either.

The two minute mark went off. My heart thumped. What would happen if I got no chair turns? That would be humiliating. Adam Levine was my favorite artist, and I didn't want to be humiliated in front of him, Blake, Usher, or Shakira. Yeah, that's right. Contrary to former ideas that Cee Lo and Christina were coming back, they weren't. I liked Shakira and Usher more anyways.

I gulped as the one minute buzzer went off. Then the thirty second one. My feet began moving under me as the final buzzer sounded.

I got onstage and the first notes of Grow Up by Paramore began playing. I tried to not choke as I began singing, getting some cheers from the audience.

As people began clapping their hands, I grew more confident. I moved around the stage some, but tried to not move around to the point where I was out of breath.

Suddenly, a chair turned! It was Shakira. She was no Adam Levine, but would be my second choice behind Adam. I still had a verse to go. Maybe someone else would turn in that time. But if not, I was still on Team Shakira!

I put my all into it as the song was edging towards a close. Just a few lines left. Out of the blue, I heard the sound of a chair turning. IT WAS ADAM! ADAM FREAKIN LEVINE WANTED ME ON HIS TEAM!!!!

I finished the song happily, pleased with my results. I would've been okay on Team Usher, but would prefer Shakira and Adam over him anyways. And I didn't like country music, so I wasn't interested in being on Team Blake.

"So judges, your thoughts on this performance?" Carson Daly asked as I stood next to him. I was with Carson Daly!!! "Starting with Blake, how did you feel about this one?"

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Blake asked.

"Rebekah Leigh," I told him confidently.

"And how old are you?"


Blake nodded. "Well, that was good, it really was. I'm not familiar with the song-" of course he wasn't. "-but your singing was good. A few minor problems, but overall it was very good. Nice job Rebekah."

I said, "Thank you," but was really eager to move on to Shakira and Adam.

"So, what are your thoughts on this one, Usher?" Carson Daly asked.

"We'll Rebekah," Usher began. OMG USHER WAS TALKING TO ME. "I think you put a lot of effort into that, and all I can really say was that you did a good job."

Yeah okay. "Thank you Usher," I said.

"Shakira, your thoughts?" Carson asked.

"Wow Rebekah," she said in her Colombian accent. I was actually here, having Shakira talk to me! "I think that was performed very nicely, and I really want you on my team."

"Thank you Shakira," Carson said. "Adam? Your thoughts?"'

Oh holy crap. Adam Levine was sitting there, in the flesh, grinning at me. "Nice sparkles," he said.

ADAM LEVINE LIKES MY SPARKLY PANTS!!!! "What's that supposed to mean?" Shakira questioned, looking at Adam.

"You would be the one to know about tight sparkly pants Adam," Blake muttered.

"Wait just a second, you're the one-" Adam began, pointing at Blake, but Carson cut them off.

"Okay, that's enough. Your thoughts on the performance, Adam?" I would've been perfectly fine watching them argue, it was hysterical, but I guess we were on a tight time schedule.

"Nice song choice, Rebekah, I think that was very good, and with some practice, you'll be able to go to the end of this thing, and I really want you on my team," Adam said.


"Rebekah, the choice is yours," Carson told me. "Who will be your coach?"

I pondered it. I mean, Adam Levine was my hero, and I was getting the chance to work with him. But at the same time, I would probably be more comfortable with Shakira. It wouldn't really be good if I spontaneously combusted on the inside every time I saw my coach. But still...

"I choose..." I began slowly. "I choose Adam!"

"Yes!" Adam cheered, running up to give me a hug. O.M.G. I. WAS. HUGGING. ADAM. LEVINE. He smelled good. Okay, even for a stalker fan like me, that was creepy.

Carson was saying some stuff to the audience watching, but I didn't listen, just made my way down the directed path to backstage, where my dad, brother, and sister were waiting. "OH MY GOSH," my sister screamed, and we all hugged.

"Awesome job, sweetie," my dad said. I DID IT! It was then that the realization really hit me that I was actually on the show. I was on The Voice. I was on Team Adam. I would get to spend almost every freakin day of my life for the next few months with Adam Levine! My legs felt like jello under me, but I managed to stay standing.

Today was officially the best day of my life.

I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now