Chapter Nineteen

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That did not just happen. I shoved Peter away as quickly as I could and ran from the dressing room, but I didn’t know where Adam had gone? “Have you seen Adam?” I asked the nearest person I saw.

“Um, yeah, I just saw him go out that door, why-” But I was already sprinting that direction.

I flung the door open and found that it led to the parking lot. Which of course, was full of people getting into their cars now that the show was over. I silently cursed to myself- if Adam was here, how was I supposed to find his car in a parking lot full of them?

I knew it was black, but I hadn’t payed attention to the model of it. The only times I had been in it, I was too upset to care about what it looked like. Plus, it had started raining, which would only make things worse. If Adam was already in his car, who knows where he could be going?

Then again, there was the back parking lot behind the building. Perhaps Adam’s car was back there? It was more likely than him parking in the main lot. I ran down the sidewalk that led behind the building, trying to see in the rain. It was hard, though, and I could only see a few feet in front of me. I tried not to slip. The last thing I needed was another injury.

There were only a few cars back here, but a spotted someone leaning against one on the other side of the lot. Could it be Adam? I couldn’t tell the color of the car or the person’s appearance through the rain, but I headed that direction.

As I got closer, I could tell it was Adam. He couldn’t have been out here very long, but it was raining hard and I could see that his white tee shirt was soaked.

“Adam!” I called through the rain when I was about ten feet away.

He turned a bit, but saw it was me and looked away.

“Adam, I-” I began once I had come to a stop, slightly out of breath. Running probably wasn’t good for this head thing either.

“I don’t want to hear it, Beka,” he said bitterly, not looking at me.

“Seriously Adam, I-”

I said I don’t want to hear it.” I had never heard him sound like that before. I wanted to cringe or cry or run off, but I kept still.

“If you would just let me explain,” I pleaded.

“I don’t need an explanation.”

“Adam, what you saw back there isn’t what it looked like-”

“I’m perfectly aware of what I saw back there.”

“Adam, you don’t-”

I know what I saw, Beka.

No you don’t!” I yelled back. I wasn’t going to let him leave without hearing me out.

“Give me one minute to explain and you can leave,” I reasoned.

He finally looked right at me. “One minute.”

The moment he said that, I started my explanation. “Adam, I don’t like Peter like that, I swear. After the show, he said he wanted to talk to me,” I began, speaking as fast as I possibly could.

“-And I tried to walk away, but he wouldn’t let me into my dressing room, so after I answered your call, I said he could have a minute to talk, and he said he had feelings for me,” I rambled on.

“I mean, we dated before, but I cut it off and I don’t like him like that anymore, but he still likes me, so he just sort of kissed me, and before I could do anything you opened the door and I ran after you,” I finished, now a bit breathless.

He said nothing.

“It’s the truth, I swear,” I told him, stepping a bit closer. But I was still a bit confused...

“Adam, I’m not saying I do like Peter, but why would it matter to you if I did?” I asked, not getting why he was so bummed out. I seemed to be forgetting the fact that we had almost kissed.

“Beka, I-”

“You what?” I asked, taking another step closer to him.

Before I knew it, Adam had closed the space between us and was kissing me. I kissed him back, barely taking in the fact that I was kissing Adam Levine. He was an even better kisser than Peter. The kiss wasn’t much longer than mine and Peter’s had been, but it was still perfect.

“I love you,” he barely whispered. My stomach twisted into five million different types of knots. Was he serious?

Before I could tell him I loved him back, the pain in my head grew sharper and my hand instinctively went up to it.

So, of course, Adam’s attention automatically shifted to the fact that my head was hurting.

“You okay?” he asked.

I nodded. “I think it’s just from running over here. It’s not that bad, it should go away in a little while.”

He seemed to relax a bit. Unlocking his car, he grabbed a jacket out of the back seat and tossed it to me.

Wrapping it around my shoulders, he said, “You should get inside.”

I slowly nodded, not really wanting to go inside, but sure he wasn’t going to give me a choice.

“Call me if you need anything,” he added. I was pretty sure he was referring to if my headache got worse.

“Alright, thanks Adam,” I said before turning around, beginning to slowly make my way back to the building.

I got back to my room as quickly as possible, hoping no one was noticing that I had Adam’s jacket. That would take some explaining.

As I crawled into bed, I felt more confused than ever. Peter still liked me, and apparently Adam loved me. I had kissed two guys in one night. Somehow, I had a feeling that the rest of this competition was going to be very interesting if America voted for me to go on.

I hope they did, because I wasn’t ready to leave just yet.

[OKAY, so I know this chapter was shorter and slightly cheesy, but masterofdisaster has been begging me for a Beka/Adam moment ever since I started this, so here you go.]

I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now