Chapter Nine

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[Hey everyone. Thanks for supporting this fanfic thus far, but you guys should know that I’m suffering serious writer’s block, which is why this chapter sucks and has a time skip or two. I’m sorry. OH, and there are a couple of random notes in parenthesis in this chapter. Sorry!]

I was quite pleased when I woke up in the morning, remembering that I had made it to the Live Rounds. I honestly hadn’t expected myself to get this far, but I did it! It was now down to just sixteen of us, and I really didn’t want to go home now. Which meant that I would need to put in more effort than ever before.

On the bright side, there were still episodes airing on television, so we had a whole three weeks before the first episode of the Lives actually took place. I thought Adam was picking the song, but I would need to double check and make sure. I didn’t want to show up to practice and be asked what song I was doing, and then have no clue. That would suck.

Just the prospect of performing in the Lives is very nerve wracking at the moment. I’m just praying I don’t screw something up when I perform.

~~~Two Weeks Later~~ (Sorry for time skip, I’ll try not to do too many of these, but I felt the need to do this.)

A lot has changed in the past two weeks. Then again, when you’re on The Voice, I guess everything is constantly changing for you. But really, these past two weeks have been so crazy.

Mainly because Peter asked me out. Yeah, he asked me out. He seriously asked me out. We haven’t really known each other that long, but I really like him and so I said yes. (@masterofdisaster- I know this is killing you inside. But hey, it could be a lot worse. At least I time skipped for you so you don’t have to endure two weeks of them dating.) Although, dating while we’re on this show is going to be a struggle.

Actually, within two weeks, it has already been hard. Mainly because Peter is so busy getting ready for the Lives that for the past few days, he’s hardly talked to me. He’s been stressing over these lives, when we haven’t even had our first practice with our coaches for the Lives yet. Although, I guess I would be stressing if Usher were my coach. He seems pretty intense.

But I still don’t think that gives him an excuse to ignore me, so I’ve decided to cut the whole thing off. Yeah, I know, it’s only been a week and a half, but he’s being a jerk, and I don’t really think that dating while on this show is going to work out anyway. He’ll probably hate me, which makes me upset, but I know that I’m here to win, and I need to keep my focus on the competition. Now, I have to go tell Peter that we can’t date anymore. This should be interesting.


I headed out of my room to go to Peter’s, not having a clue as to how he would react to this. I mean, I wouldn’t blame him if he thought it was unfair, as we’ve only been dating just over a week. But if I’m going to win this show, I need space. He probably does, too.

When I got to his room, I lightly tapped on his door. “Peter, it’s Beka, we need to talk,” I said calmly through the door.

The door swung open. “Beka, what is it?” he asked. Well someone was being annoying.

“Peter, I’m not going to take forever saying this, but I don’t think we can date anymore. We’re not getting along, and we both need space to be on this show and practice. I know you do, and I do, too, and I just don’t think that dating on this show is going to work out. I’m sorry, but I think it’s for the best.”

“So you’re breaking up with me,” he said flatly. He didn’t even sound that upset.

“.Er...yes,” I managed to get out, trying to keep myself from getting annoyed with his “I don’t care” attitude.

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