Chapter Seventeen

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It took every inch of my willpower to not fall to the ground and start sobbing as the firefighters cleared out. I officially had nothing to live for anymore. My whole family was gone, my dream was gone. There was nothing left.

“How did you know to come back?” I managed to ask Adam through the tears.

His expression was solemn. “I saw the smoke.”

“Were you the one who got Dad and Daniel out of the house.”

He nodded slowly. “Neither of them were moving when I found them...” He paused, as if worried that saying that would make me even more upset. I tried not to cry again. “...So I just did my best to get them out of there. Then I went looking for you.”

“And found me in the basement?”


“Thanks for coming back.” I literally owed Adam Levine my life right now.

“What else would I do, drive off?” Okay, you’d have to be pretty sadistic to do that. But still, he had risked a lot by coming back.

“That would’ve been the safer, easier option.”

“And you think I’d be able to live with myself if I just let you die?” I honestly didn’t have an answer. No, he wouldn’t. That sort of guilt would kill any sane person. And there was the fact that we had been so close to kissing just a couple of hours ago...Wait, did he like me? No, that was ridiculous. Then why did he do what he did? I technically wasn’t his contestant anymore, so I guess there wasn’t really anything wrong or against the rules with him liking me or me liking him, but still. Why would he ever like me, boring old Rebekah Leigh? I shook the thought out of my head. I was being ridiculous.

“C’mon,” Adam said, beginning to walk.

“Where are we going?”

He almost smiled. “Well, you’re not expecting me to leave you here in the middle of nowhere without a house, are you?”

“So we’re going to your car?” I prompted, getting that meaning from his statement.


“And from there?” I asked, continuing with the questions.

“Back to L.A.”

But...”What am I supposed to do from there?” I wasn’t going to become a homeless bum on the streets of L.A. begging for spare change.

“Well, I’m guessing that once you win this thing, you’ll have plenty of money for a new place,” he told me.

My stomach jolted. “The doctors said I couldn’t stay on, remember?” I argued.

“It doesn’t matter what the doctors say. Beka, we’re gonna find a way to work around this problem and you’re staying on the show,” he said. “You deserve it.”

My stomach twisted in so many different random directions, I didn’t know what to even think of it. Was I seriously back on the show? A new hope sprung up inside of me. I still had something to fight for. I was going to win this thing if it killed me.

We got to the car, and I got into the passenger seat. “Thanks again, Adam. For everything,” I told him once he got in the car.

He smiled at me. “Don’t mention it.” He looked over at me. “You should get some rest,” he added.

I nodded, realizing I was tired and not wanting to argue. I leaned my head against the window and quickly fell asleep.


I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now