Chapter Twenty-Two

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A ridiculously huge smile crept upon my face as I heard Adam mention that we got to sing something together. This was going to be epic.

My mind was once more swarming with thoughts, but this time, they were happy ones, mainly fantasies of me getting to sing with Adam onstage. Heck, I didn’t even really care what we sang. I was still singing with Adam Levine.

Peter and I had agreed to go out and get some lunch together today, so I headed to his rental car (as his other one was in a dump somewhere at this point) immediately after practice. “I’m driving this time,” I stated as I got there, since he was already there waiting for me.

It occurred to me that I hadn’t been in a car with Peter since the crash, and I was certainly not letting him drive again. Since it was a rental car, it technically wasn’t his.

“Fine,” he shrugged, tossing me the keys. “Less work for me.”

We were just getting cheap fast food, so we went through a McDonald’s drive thru. Even if the actual food sucked, they had good milkshakes, so I was okay with it.

We just sat in the parking lot and ate in the car, as we were too lazy to get out and go inside. Honestly, though, I don’t think either of us wanted to risk me eating while driving, as we had learned our lesson about distractions while driving.

After that, I could sort of just chill in my room for the rest of the afternoon. As I already had A Drop in the Ocean memorized, I wouldn’t need to practice much.

I had what felt like a million emails of Youtube notifications about people commenting on my videos. Which was cool, of course, but it was hard to sort through which emails I actually needed to read when I had so many in my inbox. I made a mental note to stop Youtube from sending me emails.

Someone commented suggesting that I post videos of all my performances here on The Voice, which I actually thought was a good idea. I replied, telling them that I’d try to do that after the Finale.

I sat there reading through more comments for a little while, but got tired after ten minutes of doing so. Then I pondered the fact that I hadn’t gotten on my Twitter in ages...oh, I would have so many notifications.

I logged onto Twitter and nearly had a heart attack when I saw that I had 100,000 followers. After spending forever looking through all my notifications, I posted a quick tweet and then got off. I was done with the internet for the day.

I didn’t mean to, but I ended up drifting off in the evening.


I woke up and heard knocking on my door. My eyes darted over to the alarm clock. Who the heck could be here at six in the morning?

When I opened the door, I was shocked to see that Hayley Williams was there. Oh yeah, Adam had mentioned she was coming today. Before I could say anything, she had tackled me in a hug.

“Can’t...breathe,” I choked out, and she let go, grinning. Well, she was very energetic considering that it was so early.

“Congrats on making it this far, Beka!” She squealed, which made me grin too.

“Thanks,” I told her. “So, no need to sound rude or anything, but why are you in my room at six in the morning?” I asked curiously.

She laughed. “Well, the last night of the show, each contestant always gets to perform something with a famous artist, and you’re performing with Paramore, so-”

“I WHAT?!?!?!?!” Meeting Hayley Williams was good enough, but I actually got to perform with her!

“Yep, you’re singing with me, so I thought that we could start planning our performance,” she continued.

AHH THIS IS SO FREAKIN AWESOME! Over the course of two days, I got to perform with Adam Levine AND Paramore?!?!?! My life was epic.

“Sorry to wake you up so early,” she added innocently.

“You’re fine, I fell asleep early anyways.”

We sat down and began planning what we were going to do. A while later, we had decided that we were gonna sing Airplanes, replacing B.O.B.’s rapping with singing.

We talked until about 11:30, which was when I needed to get to my practice with Adam for the day.

*****************Monday Night*****************

I was a little pouty, as wardrobe had just forced me into a full-length, dark blue dress for my A Drop in the Ocean performance. I was not pleased, but I would have to get over it. It was just for one song.

The room was extremely quiet as I started the song, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. I really just wanted to please Adam with this one, I didn’t really care what anyone else thought, since I was already to the Finale.

About halfway through the song, I dared to look at Adam. To my surprise, he was singing right along, just like he had when he was onstage with me. Shakira was giving him a funny look, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention.

Overall, I thought it went extremely well. I had even survived wearing that dumb dress.

My only other performance tonight was with Adam, which I was a bit nervous about. We were singing Maroon 5’s song Love Somebody, which wasn’t incredibly hard. It was just actually singing with Adam that made me nervous. It was a dream come true, but it was also terrifying. I knew that I shouldn’t be nervous to sing with my coach, but I just couldn’t get over the fear that I would screw up.

Well, at least I wasn’t wearing a dress this time.

When we got onstage, I silently prayed that I would do okay. As Adam started the first verse, all I could think was, he sounds very nice live.

I joined in on the chorus, and it turns out that we actually sounded pretty good together. So huzzah for that. Once I started singing, I was less nervous. Which was good, since I had to sing the next verse by myself. The good news was, the verses of this song were quite short.

By the second chorus, I was actually really enjoying singing with Adam. My nerves had sort of just disappeared by the time I was done with my verse. By the end, I was actually wishing it could last longer.

I had time to give Adam a quick hug, but he had to get back to his coach’s chair. I had managed to get through all my performances for tonight, so now I just had to await tomorrow’s results.

[OKAY, I apologize because this chapter is pretty short and VERY sucky. My brain just doesn't seem to be working today. The next chapter will be the last, and it will also probably be pretty epic. Or at least, better than this chapter. Sorry you had to wait a couple of days for such a sucktastic chapter, but I'm definitely going to try to make the last one better.]

I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now