Chapter Sixteen

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[sorry this is so short, a lot happens in this chapter, though. This is probably the last chapter I'm going to write today, because if I write too long at once it starts getting sucky, as you can probably notice.]

I ran as far as I could down the stairs, but flames engulfed the bottom of the stairs. “Lilly!” I called out to my little sister.

“Help!” I heard her squeal back. I could barely see her across the room, pressed against the wall, trying to avoid the flames. She seemed to be coughing from the smoke.

“Where are Daniel and Dad?” I yelled to her, hoping she would know.

She shook her head. “I don’t know!”

I spotted a window next to her head. “Stay put, I’m going outside to get you out through the window!”

She nodded, looking panicked as tears streamed down her face and she coughed some more.

I ran back up to my room, grabbing my phone, and climbed out the window the same way Adam had. I called 911, but the Fire Department was so far away from here...we were in nowhere.

I ran towards the window Lilly was by, and when I glanced in, I saw her doubled over, choking from the smoke.

I threw the window open and smoke instantly began pouring out. “LILLY! Try to come to me!”

I saw her begin to crawl over to me, but she was choking. The flames were coming closer. “LILLY!”

I climbed in and grabbed her, burning my arm in the process. I climbed out of the window as fast as I could with her in my arms, and just as I got out, the flames got to the spot I had been moments ago.

“Lilly, say something!” I demanded as I put her down on the ground. She couldn’t breathe. “LILLY!” I tried CPR, but nothing seemed to be working. I sat there, unable to do anything as my sister choked to death from the smoke in her lungs. Tears streamed down my face as she finally went limp.

I put my head in my hands and cried, but then I realized that my brother and dad were still in there. I scrambled up, my burnt arm hurting, trying to think of how to go in. Going in through my room would just take me to the top of the stairs, which was probably engulfed in flames at this point.

Wait...we had a cellar with an entrance from the outside. If I could just break in there, it would lead me to the basement.

I ran to the other side of the house where the cellar door was, kicking on it repeatedly until it opened for me.

No flames were here yet, so I crawled through and found the hatch that lead to the basement. I crawled up, but flames were flickering down the stairs on the other side of the basement quickly. The ceiling was already in flames, wooden beams crackling with sparks.

“DANIEL? DAD?” I called out, but I couldn’t see them down here. It could’ve just been the smoke, but I didn’t think they were down here. But where were they?

I was sweating and felt like I was overheating. Suddenly, pain shot through my head again. Oh no, not now.

It was worse than it ever had been. I fell to the ground, nearly screaming in agony. Not now, I couldn’t...

“BEKA!!!” I looked up, and saw not either of my family members, but Adam trying to make his way towards me through the burning basement. Adam?!?!?!?! But how long ago had he left?

He tried to run towards me through the smoke, but one of the wooden beams from the ceiling fell in front of him, blocking him from me. He was trying to get through...


I was still cringing from the pain in my head, and I didn’t want Adam to hurt himself trying to get me out.

“I’m not leaving you Beka,” he insisted, still trying to find a way to get past the burning wood. Meanwhile, the flames from the stairs behind him were slowly coming towards him...

No, this could not be happening. More pain shot through me head and I let out a little cry. I had to stay strong through this...

I spotted a metal crowbar from Dad’s tools and got an idea. “ADAM, LOOK OUT!”

I grabbed the crowbar, which was deadly hot, and threw it as hard as I could at the burning plank. Adam ducked out of the way, and it had the desired effect. The wood was burnt to the point that when something hard hit it, it snapped in two, leaving a small space where Adam could get through.

I waved for him to come over here, we could escape through the cellar. I began to cough as smoke began filling my lungs. No, I couldn’t go the same way as Lilly. I at least had to make sure Adam was safe first.

He ran over to me and I pointed to the cellar door. He understood and I did my best to stand up and walk, but I had to lean on Adam from support. We got out through the cellar as fast as we could, and I was gasping by the time we reached fresh air.

I watched as the whole top floor of my house crumbled, and then I heard sirens. They were just now showing up?

We watched as the firefighters finally got the fire to go out, my house completely burned down at this point. The pain in my head was slowly going away, so I did my best to make my way over to the fire trucks.

I choked back a sob. Dad, Daniel, and Lilly’s bodies were all on the ground, now covered in sheets. It was my fault...the oven. If I had just watched...The only family members I had left were dead, and it was my fault.

I had lost everything there was left to lose. It was all gone...

Silent tears began streaming down my face.

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