Chapter Five

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I made my way to dinner, incredibly nervous about what might happen during the battles. Now that i was really thinking about it, I was getting very anxious. Even though I was putting all the effort I could into this, Peter still had a phenomenal voice. Listening to him sing made me want to sit down and listen to him forever, not try to be competitive and beat him! It all felt a little unfair to me. 

I didn't really believe I had what it took to beat him. I mean, he had a great voice and he was super attractive. Could I really compare to that? Probably not. But every inch of my being wanted to impress Adam by at least making it to the Knockouts. I didn't think I would be able to live with myself if I finally got the chance to work with Adam Levine and then only got to sing one song while on his team. 

At dinner, I found Peter sitting with the rest of Team Adam. 

"Hey Beka," he said simply when I came over, looking perfectly at ease. Okay, wait a second. This morning, he acted like he wanted nothing to do with me. Now, he seemed eager to make a conversation. Ugh, boys. Their emotions changed to quickly. It was very annoying. 

"Hi," I said bluntly as I sat down. 

He raised an eyebrow. "Someone doesn't seem too happy to see me." 

"Why should I be?" I retorted, irked with his cocky attitude. 

He sighed. "Beka, I want to impress Adam as much as you do." I seriously doubted that. I said nothing, but he continued. "So maybe instead of hating each other, we should work together to actually make this sound good so that whichever one of us isn't picked can get stolen." 

Oh. He was making a good point.  

"Fine," I said, trying to sound aggravated, but failing. Now that I had actually heard his thinking, it made much more sense than what I was thinking. Well, of course it did. I tended to feel stupid like this a lot. 

"Cool, wanna hang out after dinner?" 

"Yeah sure." We should probably practice together anyways. 

After dinner, we went outside. I didn't really know what to say. 

Surprisingly, Peter asked, "So I'm guessing you're a big Maroon 5 fan?" 

"What makes you say that?" I replied, confused. 

He grinned. "Well, you're obsessed with Adam Levine for one thing." 

"Am not!" 

"Then why were you drooling over him during practice? 

Gah, was my love for him really that obvious? Woops, I would need to work on that. 

"Okay, so maybe I like Maroon 5. So what?" 

"So nothing, it was just a question." He looked at me. 

I decided to change the subject. "Your family coming to the Battles tomorrow?" 

I couldn't help but notice him frown slightly at first, but it went away after about a second. "Nope. Yours?" 

"My dad is coming." 

"That's cool." 


In other words, I was very socially awkward. I mean, what the heck was I supposed to say to a guy I had just met? I couldn't ask simple questions about "what is your favorite color" or "what is your favorite animal" because everyone had already asked each other that when Team Adam had met at the coffee shop. So I was completely out of ideas on what to say. 

"You play any instruments?" He asked. 

"Piano," I told him. Yep, I had been forced into piano lessons when I was a kid. But maybe it would come in handy during this competition. "You?" 

I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now