Chapter Three

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I was too nervous to eat. Yes, today was the day that our preparation for the Battles began, and I was in no way ready to sit in a room with Adam Levine for who-knows-how-long.

Some of the other contestants around me were picking nervously at their breakfast, too, which was no surprise. All of the coaches were well-known musical celebrities, and getting musical advice from them would be nerve-wracking. I was just so nervous that Adam was going to find something seriously wrong with my voice, and regret having me on his team. I would be shattered if that happened.

All of that said, I ate a whole two bites of my breakfast. I didn’t want to get nervous and throw up in front of Adam or something like that. That would just be horrible.

The one good thing about the Battles would be that I would have someone else in the rehearsals with me, since two people perform the same song in the Battles. This meant that I wouldn’t be there with just Adam to embarrass myself. And of course, there was usually another celebrity advisor in the room during this stage of the competition, so there would be a total of four people in the room. I could do this. Hopefully.

I was given a sheet of paper with the Team Adam Battle pairings on it. It read as follows.

1. Elizabeth Hastings and Madelyn Fairchild

2. Ivy Rivers and Jessica Wild

3. Lily Meredith and Jackson Crowell

4. Trevor Donovan and Simon Johnson

5. Brad Freeman and Torie Walters

6. Rebekah Leigh and Peter Greene

So, I was with Peter. Oh joy, I ended up with a guy. Which meant that the song would have to be at a key that we could both sing. This would be interesting. Overall, I was just hoping Adam wouldn’t give us something way too hard, because I didn’t want to screw the song up and make a fool of myself in front of him. I had listened to Peter’s Blind Audition, and he was really good. So I was going to have to put in a lot of effort as is to make it past the Battles. I had gotten on The Voice, and I didn’t want to have to leave so soon.

We were scheduled to meet with Adam right after breakfast, so me and Peter shuffled to our practice. I wanted to be slow, but knew that I didn’t need Adam Levine on my bad side because I was late for practice. That would suck.

When we entered the room, I tried not to freak out. In there was a piano, Adam, and HAYLEY WILLIAMS! Was she seriously Adam’s advisor this season? Omigosh, two of my favorite artists were in the same room as me! Ahh!!!!

“You must be Rebekah and Peter,” Hayley said. Hayley Williams. Was talking to me.

“Yep,” I agreed, wanting to scream something along the lines of, “OMG YOU’RE HAYLEY WILLIAMS, I LOVE YOU,” but I managed not to.

I blushed, remembering that I had sung her song in the Blinds. What did she think of me?

“So guys,” Adam began. Holy crap, he was hot doing absolutely nothing! “I’ve given you the song Just Give Me A Reason by Pink.”

That made sense, it had that guy from fun in it, didn’t it? Singing a song with both a guy and girl’s part would be much easier. Oh wait, Pink would be like, the hardest girl voice to sing ever. And that meant I had a longer part than Peter.

“So Peter,” Adam said, looking at Peter. “Your portion of the song is obviously shorter than Rebekah’s, so your job will be to wow us judges with the time that you have. And Rebekah-” he turned to me. I think I stopped breathing. “You just need to make sure you hit those notes properly.”

Peter and I both nodded.

The Good News- I already knew this song. The Bad News- It was hard. The Really Bad News- If I screwed up, I would do so in front of several million people, Adam Levine and Hayley Williams included.

But, if I somehow managed to pull it off, maybe I could impress Adam. I had some work to do.

“Can I call you Beka?” Hayley asked me. “It’s shorter and catchier than Rebekah.”

“Yeah, sure.” Not sure what that had to do with the current topic, but okay. “Everyone calls me that, so I’m used to it.”

“Hmm, now we need a nickname for Peter,” she mused.

“Nothing short rhymes with Peter,” Adam reminded her.

Yep, we were off track.

“Adam, we should get back to the song,” Hayley told him, smiling.

Wait a second.

Was that a flirtatious smile I was seeing? I didn’t date much myself, as I wasn’t going to risk my heart being broken, but I knew a whole lot about relationships from my friends. And I could detect when someone had crossed the border between nice and flirtatious.

It’s nothing, I told myself. Besides, doesn’t she have a boyfriend or something? Yeah, I think she did. I just didn’t like the thought of anyone stealing my Adam Levine.

He’s. not. yours, I reminded myself mentally. Like, how many girlfriends has he had before? Enough to write songs about. I had just had the hugest crush on him since I was little. But that was just a celebrity crush, I hadn’t even met him before yesterday.

“Right, the song,” Adam said, snapping out of his thoughts about what rhymed with Peter. “Do you guys both know this one?”

“Yep,” we both answered at the same time.

“Well that makes life easier,”  Hayley noted.

“Yeah,” Adam replied. “Let’s get started.”

So that’s what we did for a while. Everything went pretty well, at least, I didn’t screw anything up majorly. I got some advice on how to sing it, but no one pointed out anything wrong with my voice, so that was good. I began to relax as the practice went on, which made it easier to sing.

By the time practice was over, both me and Peter were tired. “See you tomorrow,” Hayley shouted at us as we left.

I checked my time. Wow, that practice felt like it had lasted forever, but it hadn’t. Of course, I guess Adam had other team members to practice with, too. As for me, my practice was over. Just one more, and then we had the Battles.

As much as I just wanted to sleep, I didn’t. I knew I had work to do.

I Was on The Voice: A NBC's "The Voice" Fanfiction [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now