From Bad to Worse

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Chapter 1
I have always thought that living on the streets with no family was the worst my life could get. I was very wrong. I messed up.
It started when I was scouring the streets for food, human food. I try to drink blood only when I have to. I passed dumpsters, which were full of disposed things that the humans didn't think they needed anymore. I call them humans, not because I think I am above them, but because I have lost my respect for them. The moment they found out about vampires, they decided that we were a threat that needed to be neutralized. It makes me physically sick. That's why half vampire is rare, and makes it easy to blend in, being that I am also half human.

Pulling my brown hair back out of my face, I dig through the first dumpster I see. Digging through all the garbage and other various disposable items, I see that there is only a few scraps of food in the dumpster. I'll take what I can get. I began to eat my prize, wishing for a real meal. My mother used to make me meals, back when she was alive. My favorite was her fried chicken. My mouth watered just thinking about it.

I decided, after finishing my scraps of food, that this alley was safe to sleep in. The alley was between a bar, and a business building. The dumpster was obviously on the bars side of the wall. I took a garbage bag out of the dumpster and laid it on the ground. This would be my pillow tonight. I pulled my torn up blue hoodie tighter around my body to keep warm as I laid down to go to sleep.

That didn't happen though.

As I was relaxing, trying to get my body to shut down, I felt something crawl on my leg. At first, I thought it was just an itch, but the weight on my leg wasn't an itch. That was confirmed when I heard a squeak. My eyes snapped open, sitting up, I looked at my leg. Only to have my eyes meet those eyes of a beady eyed rat. This rat was not small and cute. It. Was. Huge.

I screamed, getting up, trying to throw it off my leg. It held on, making me freak out even more. It slid down my leg, holding on to the shoe laces of my black combat boots. I was shaking my foot like crazy at this point, squealing like a little girl. Anyone who would have saw this would think I needed a mental institution.I kicked my leg harder, only to have the little guy squeak a protest. I just wanted this rat off my foot. Then I felt the animal side of me, my vampire side, respond to my request. I saw the red glow of my eyes in the dark.

"Get off!"

I kicked my leg into to air, finally getting the rat off of my foot. I watched the rat land on the ground and scurry away under the dumpster, fearfully hiding himself. I took in several deep breaths to calm myself. I hate rats, especially city rats. There big, gross, and just plain weird.

I sighed, going to the wall and putting my back to it. I just wanted to go to sleep, without any rats. Was that so much to ask? I slid down the wall and layed my head back. This sucks. You would think that the vampires would easily rule over the humans. Well, you're not wrong, but also not right. After the discovery of the vampire race, humans began to make weapons that worked against us. They captured many vampires to experiment these weapons on them. They learned of vampire weaknesses easily at that point, and then the downfall of the vampire race began. They used the weapons to force vampires to cooperate, not caring if they did or not. Resistance would just get them killed anyway. I was only five when this massacre began. I watched as the humans cheered in joy as the soldiers brought the heads of vampires to show off. At that age, I felt sick looking at those heads they placed on sticks and marched around cheering. My mother's expression wasn't like all the rest, it was an expression I had seen on her face before: fear.

My mother was human, but had a relationship with a vampire. Thus, I was created. But, he left before I was born. So I haven't a clue who he is, nor do I care. He left of his own will, nothing can change that fact. I'm not going to be bitter about it when I have bigger problems to deal with.

I closed my eyes, hoping for rest.

But, as fate would have it, I wasn't going to sleep tonight. As I was trying to attempt some form of sleep, I heard the back door of the bar open. I opened my eyes, hoping whoever is was would not come to my side of the dumpster. I heard two sets of footsteps, one sounded like high heels clicking against the pavement. I decided to peek around the dumpster.

I saw a man with his hand over a woman's terrified face. Her voice was muffled by his hand, while she tried to struggle against him. The man had his arm tightly around her arms so she wouldn't fight back. The man was obviously drunk by the way he smelt of alcohol. He was stumbling, attempting to get her against the wall. The woman kept struggling against the drunk man. The terrified look on her face made me move from my hiding spot behind the dumpster.

"Stop moving already!" The man slurred.

The women kept struggling, while I was sneaking behind him. I would use a sneak attack to get him off her. His senses would be warped since he's drunk. I watched as the man fumbled with the women's dress, trying to get it off her. She was sobbing, screaming still muffled. This made me move faster. I grabbed the man by the shoulders, using a bit of my vampire strength the yank him off her. He easily came off her, but I threw him too hard. The man slid on the pavement, a look of shock crossing his face before rage took over his features.

"Who the hell are you?" He slurred at me.

"None of your business, you pervert." I said, while standing in front of the sobbing woman.

"You have no right to interrupt us, little bitch!" He yelled, struggling to his feet.

I took a defensive position in front of the woman, while the man stumbled toward us. He flew at me, arms outstretched, going for my neck. I grabbed his hands, throwing him against the wall. The man yelped in pain. He used the wall to get himself up, the side of his head bleeding from the impact of hitting the wall.

"Bitch!" He screamed, swinging his fists at me.

He caught me off guard, right hooked me in the jaw. I stumbled back, feeling the impact of the punch. He was strong for a human. I felt blood run down my chin, the blood setting off my vampire side. I felt my teeth grow, seeing the red glow of my eyes in the dark. A growl left my throat, warning the man to stay back.

"A vampire...?"

I charged at him, feeling the rage inside that a human of all things could make me bleed. The monster inside of me wanted his blood, thirsted for it. I didn't see it until it was too late. I heard the shot he fired off, before feeling it pierced my stomach. I feel to the ground in absolute agony. A gun.

"Didn't think I would run into one you monsters tonight. I am off duty, but lucky me, I caught you before you could do some real damage." The man smirked at me. I began withering on the ground, wishing for the pain to stop.

"It's a bullet, blessed by a priest. Sorry to break it to you, but it's over, bloodsucker."

I felt him grab my arms, dragging me across the ground. He dropped my arms and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"Boss? Yeah, I just caught a bloodsucker, should I bring her in?" I heard the confirmation to bring me in. Where is he taking me?

The pain was becoming unbearable, I just wanted to go to sleep. Before I passed out, I saw the mans clothing, and it made my heart drop.

A soldier's uniform.
As promised, the first chapter!!!!!
I know it might be a little all over the place, but hey, I'm trying.
Hope you enjoyed it!!! :D
- Z

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