Sucker For Pain

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Chapter 4

Ms. Psycho Bitch didn't stay away for long. As soon as she returned, the torture resumed. My screams rang through out the room each time. She never let up, never one ounce of mercy. The days began to blend. I passed out so much that I had no clue what it was. Day or night. Every session, she would speak of past victims, which ones she named her tools after, who screamed the loudest. She made sure I was listening.

I haven't seen Noah since we met. I kept praying he would show up with some blood. But I know now that won't happen. Mary wants me to be in pain. Never ending pain.

"I've been thinking, my pet. Something is not quite right." She told me.

We were having another session. She had just finished cutting open my palm with Lexi, one of her many favorite tools. I was breathing harder, my body shaking from the pain. Tears drying on my face.

"When my little Noah gave you blood, you didn't heal as much as you should've." She stood in front of me, her face inquisitive. "So, tell me my pet, why is that?"

I spit on her face. Bad move.

Quicker than I could see, she yanked my hair. I yelped, my scalp burning.

"Well, our session will have to be extended today, won't it?" Mary was close my my face, her grip tightening in my hair. "Someone doesn't know their place." She hissed.

She pulled something out of her coat pocket. A needle.

"This is silver mixed with a little something special. Enjoy, my pet." I struggled to get my hair out of her hand. It was too late, she stuck the needle in my neck. Liquid fire coursed through my veins. I screamed. I screamed until nothing came out of my throat. My body began to convulse.

Mary was laughing. "Since you wouldn't answer my little inquiry, I will find out myself." I heard her heels clicking away. "The something special is meant to keep you awake, so you can feel every little nerve be consumed with pain."

Mary walked out, shutting the door. My screams echoed through the room for a long time.


"Hey, wake up. Come on girl."

A voice was calling out to me. I was too tired to open my eyes. I wanted to sleep.

"Wake up! Do you want to get out of here or not?"

It was Noah. What was he talking about? I heard his footsteps coming towards me. His hands grabbed my face.

"Your eyes are open, so answer me."

My eyes were open? But I don't see anything.

"Can't.....s-see." My voice barely worked, scratchy. From all the screaming.

"What? Shit, that can't be good." I felt his breath on my face. It was minty. "What the hell did she do to you?"

I moaned, my muscles still hurt. I wanted to die. Yes, death sounded great. Life has never been really fair to me anyway. I don't have much of one to live in here.

"" I whispered.

"What? No. Didn't you hear me? I'm going to help you get out of here."

What was the point? I would die out there too. Who's to say they wouldn't chase me and capture me again. Suddenly, everything seems meaningless.

"Listen to me! I will have you out of here by tomorrow night. I promise." He spoke so sincerely. "Please just hold on a little longer."

"Why?" I asked

"I can't stand to hear your screams any more. I heard what you did to those men but.... no one deserves this." He sounded like he cared. Did he? Can I trust him?

"Why are you crying?"

I was crying?

"Don't worry, you'll be out in no time. Hopefully, your vision will come back." Noah spoke quietly.

"Did you hear me?" He said.


" Oh, I forgot to ask, what's your name?" Noah asked.

"I-it's Ariella."

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I doubt I looked beautiful, or even average. But I appreciate the thought.

"Please hold on. I have to go now, but I will be back tomorrow. " I felt Noah's lips on my forehead. "Be strong, Ariella."

His footsteps went towards where the door was. I heard it open and close. Noah's footsteps faded as he walked away. I was alone again.


Mary returned. I got worried immediately when she didn't say a word. My vision hadn't returned, so I couldn't see her, only hear her footsteps walk slowly around me.

"I tested your blood, my pet." She spoke lowly. "It had some very interesting results."

My heart stopped. Shit.

"A half human, half vampire. Or Dhampir as legends like to call it." She was walking slower now. "I've never seen anything like you. Rest assured that I am never letting you go."

My heart dropped down to my stomach. Spend what was left of my life with her? I would rather die.

"This is so wonderful! So many tests to run, but where to start? The possibilities are endless."

I started to feel sick.

"This will possibly be a breakthrough for the scientific community! But it raises many questions."

Mary began to rant to herself. I started thinking. All the hope I had is gone. I'm never getting out of here.

"I must prepare. No time to lose. I shall return, my pet, for our fun." Mary's heels clicked away. 

I hung there, thinking about what life I have lived so far. I haven't done much. Not even close. Nothing worth mentioning. Just always trying to survive on my own. As I began thinking, my eyes began to close. I drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke, I still saw nothing but darkness. My vision was still gone. I sighed.

Then I heard rushed footsteps coming towards the door. It opened as quietly as it could.


It was Noah. "It's time. We have to go now." His footsteps rushed towards me.

"I got you a little blood, thinking maybe it will heal your vision."

I opened my mouth. "That's a good girl."

It was the bulb syringe again. I tasted the blood. It was heaven. I wanted to cry from the taste. Slowly, my vision began to come back, but not all of it. Still black around the edges.

"Can you see?" Noah asked, taking off my shackles.

"Yes, thank you."

He smiled at me, his very beatiful smile. He was really gorgeous.

"Come on, let's get you out of here."

I have never heard such sweeter words.


Well, isn't Noah such a sweetheart?
Will he get Ariella out? Or will she be caught again?


- Z

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