Through The Fire And Flames

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Chapter 6

I could hear Noah scream as we went through the flames. My heart was pounding and adrenaline was rushing through my veins. We were going through the fire.

We came out on the other side. Unharmed.

There was a door in front us. I looked at it, then looked back at Noah. He looked completely amazed that we weren't burned. I was surprised as well, only a little convinced we would be fine. I had this weird feeling that we would be fine. I don't know why.

"See? Told you we're not dying here," I sounded out of breathe. "You should listen to me next time."

"Next time? When is there going to be a next time?" Noah looked at me, flabbergasted.

"Well, you never know. Imminent danger seems to be a thing with us now." I smiled.

Noah looked at me like I had grown a second head. I ignored him and went through the door. I assume the fire has spread throughout most of the building, which makes our escape harder. My eyes were burning from the smoke circulating throughout the building. They began to water, but I wiped them.

"We really need to find an exit." I looked at Noah. "Which one is the closest to where we are?"

His eyes were watering as well. "This is sort of like a basement floor, so we need to find the stairs that lead to the first floor. That's where we'll find an exit."

We began walking forward, trying to see through the smoke. "Why is there an office on a basement floor?"

"We didn't want anyone to see what happened to the vampires who were basically sentenced to death. There are some sympathizers out there for vampires. We would be under attack from people. Boss didn't want too much attention on the company."  Noah explained. "We had offices there to make everything look normal, to keep attention away from the place you were put at."

"Are you a sympathizer?"

Noah looked at me. His eyes hard, his tone became cold. "No. I hate vampires."

I stopped walking. I looked at him, my came voice out cold. "Then why the hell are you helping me?" I glared at him, waiting for a response.

"You're different." His voice softened. "You have human blood running through your veins. You were also born they way you are. You can't help that."

It made my blood boil when he said that. He didn't understand a thing.

"Yeah, well some vampires were turned against their will while they were human. Ever think of that?" My voice was still cold. "Not everyone chooses this life."

I spun around and walked away from Noah, as fast as I could. I was hurt but mostly it pissed me off. I didn't want to think that maybe he had a good reason to hate vampires. But most humans hate us because of what they've heard. Most have never even seen a real vampire.


I ignored him and kept walking. I didn't need to have a heart to heart with him right now. I wanted to get out of here. We can go our separate ways and move on. He'll just be another human I've met, nothing more. I could hear him cough behind me.

I looked around, the smoke getting thicker. It was getting hard to breathe, but I know it was worse for Noah. Smoke inhalation can kill. We needed to find those damn stairs. I walked, trying to avoid smacking into a desk or hitting a wall. I heard Noah coughing again. I squinted my eyes against the smoke.

I saw the most beautiful thing.

"Noah, the stairs!" I yelled back to him. He didn't answer. "Noah?

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