Ms. Psycho Bitch

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Chapter 3

I woke up with a start. The sting on my cheek indicated that I had been slapped. I felt my wrists burning as well. I opened my eyes to look at the culprit. The needle lady was looking back at me with her crazy smile.

"Wakey, wakey, my little test subject." She said it with such glee that I felt like I was going to be sick.

I looked around. My hands were bound by shackles, silver shackles. Explaining the burning. Half vampire or not, silver is still going to hurt like a bitch. I was standing straight up, chains connected to the wall. It looked like dry blood stained the walls and floor. I looked next to me. There was a silver tray containing all sorts of fun looking toys. Scalpel, pliers, a huge ass needle that made shiver just looking at it. Always have hated needles. Also other assortment of tools that I didn't even know what to call. I was in trouble. They all looked to be made of silver.

"I was told that someone has been a naughty girl." She smiled viciously at me. "I've come to discipline you." She started to walk towards me slowly. I yanked on the chains. A hiss escaped my lips from the pain. I wasn't getting out of here any time soon.

As she walked, she stepped into better lighting in the dim room. Under the hanging light bulb, I saw her clearly. She was young, mid-twenties. Her blonde hair was beautiful, elegantly pulled into a bun at the back of her head. She was wearing a white lab coat, a blue shirt underneath, with black khakis. Black high heeled shoes adorned her feet. She had blue eyes. But they were cold, dead. No empathy whatsoever. She was perfect in the looks department. I also noticed she had a British accent. That crazy smile was still on her face though. I wanted so badly to rip it off her perfect face. I hated her even more.

"I can't wait to start." She wistfully looked up. "Aren't you excited? I am." She looked back to me, smiling. "I do hope you will last longer than my last subject. I told him to hold still, but he never did listen. Defied me at every turn. I wanted to be gentle, but I had to discipline him. Unfortunately, he never quite learned to behave. Getting rid of him was the best option. Oh, how I will miss him." She didn't look upset at all.

I started to feel scared. This lady was crazy. She experiments on vampires without mercy, maybe on other things as well. And they call vampires monsters. Some forget that humans are the true monsters. Always lashing out at what they don't understand.

"What are you going to do to me?" I tried to keep my voice from shaking.

"Oh nothing really, just unimaginable torture. "

She said it so casually that it terrified me even more. No matter how much I was going to beg for mercy, she wouldn't give it. She would just enjoy it, get off on it probably.

"Well, which one shall I use first?" She hovered her hand over the tools, deciding which one to use. "Ah, this one looks suitable." She picked up what looked like a knife until you get to the hilt where it curves up at the end. The blade itself was silver and wide.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She twisted it around in her hand, looking at it with her twisted smile. "I named it after one of my subjects, Ebony, because she screamed the most when I used this." She sighed. "I was still so young and inexperienced then."

She came towards me with the blade. I saw the flash of silver gleam in the light. Her arm lashed out. I screamed as the blade slashed my abdomen, right over my gunshot wound. I felt the silver in the blade burn the cut. I couldn't stop screaming. She kept cutting my skin. My stomach, my arms, my legs.

"Yes! Scream for me, my little test subject!" She laughed maniacally. "I love the sound of you in agony." I felt the blood leaking from the slashes in my skin. I felt nothing but pain.

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