Warnings Are For Those Who Heed Them

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Chapter 5

Escaping was not going to be easy. I knew this. Noah knew it too. But here we were, attempting to break out of this high security facility knowing we could die. The second we stepped outside of that hell room, I was blinded by a very bright lit hallway. It's been awhile since I saw some real fluorescent lighting. All I really had was that dim light bulb. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness,I noticed the long, surprisingly empty hallway.  I was immediately confused. It's high security here, shouldn't there be people here, I don't know, guarding? Noah must have seen my confused face.

"This hallway is basically where they bring vampires to die after they are no longer useful to the cause." He explained. "There is no reason to have security when there is just a bunch of rotting corpses."

I flinched when he said that. The cause. Killing off vampires to keep everyone safe, or so they say. Humans are just as cruel as us.

"Come on, this way." He motioned for me to walk forward.

"Shouldn't there at least be security cameras set up here though?"

Noah looked at me, furrowing his brows. "Like I said, there's no need. Everything here is dead."

"Except me."

"Except you."

Noah began to stride forward with purpose. I followed closely behind, making sure to stay behind him. Noah was nice, and was helping me escape, but that didn't mean I trusted him. Do you blame me? Humans haven't exactly been very kind to me. I have to stay on my guard. So I asked him, "How are we going to get out of here undetected? I'm not exactly being inconspicuous with my bloody hospital gown and all." I motioned down at myself. Noah didn't even look at me.

"I've got an idea."


We finally made it to the end of the hallway and Noah went to the corner. He peeked out slightly. He frowned.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, feeling as though I had to be quiet. 

"I thought there at least be some guards at the end of the next hallway but there isn't. This isn't good, Ariella". He cast a worried glance in my direction. "Something is wrong."

Thank you, Captain Obvious. Well, this is going to be fun. "So, do you think they know you are helping me escape and plan to ambush us?"

"Something like that. Though if that were the case, I don't know why they would even let us get this far. These people don't take chances." His green eyes met my brown ones. "I think someone may have got inside."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Someone breaking in here? They had a death wish or they were strong. Not someone we want to run into. "Well, if that's the case we avoid contact with anyone. If you're right, we don't know this person's agenda. They could be dangerous."


I followed Noah as he rounded the corner cautiously. I was right behind him, trying to walk as quietly as I could. Truth be told, the blood helped, but my body still hurt. Inky black still ringed my vision around the edges. My legs still felt so weak. The cuts on my arms were only minorly healed. They were still red and irritated. My bare feet padded softly across the cold floor. I looked around as we walked. This hallway was white, mostly the only color I've really seen so far. The hallways were all so tall, but not very wide. The walls were white as well, almost blinding white, like when the sun shines on snow. This place was just horrible and bland. Noah stopped suddenly, and me being distracted, walked right into his muscular back.

"Ariella, you need to pay attention." He looked back at me, green eyes burning. "You can't afford to be distracted right now."

I scowled but nodded anyway, not saying anything. Noah walked cautiously towards a double door, pushing it open as quietly as he can. The setting we went into was completely different from the white hell we just walked out of. My bare feet his carpet, gray carpet. A short corridor was laid out before us. This looked like a normal office building. Everyday place. I looked behind me at the door. It had a "EMPLOYEES ONLY" sign on it. I turned back around, still finding Noah quietly in front of me, looking around. He looked tense, like he was ready to run at the slightest noise.

Then we heard the scream.

Screams to be exact. There were screams of people going off everywhere. It sounded as if we were in hell and hearing the screams of the damned. I tensed up, scared. Noah looked at me, horrified at what he was hearing. I sniffed the air.

"Do you smell smoke?"

Noah sniffed the air. His eyes widened. "We need to go, now."

He grabbed my hand and began running forward. My muscles protested, but I moved my legs into the run anyway. When we rounded the corner, what we saw was terrible. Offices were on fire, burning corpses were were scattering the hallway. Some man was running around while on fire. I wanted to throw up at the sight.

"Holy shit." Noah's eyes were wide with fear. He looked like he wanted to be sick as well. A surge of determination and bravery hit me. We were getting out of here and this was our chance. I yanked on his hand as I moved forward, wanting to go through that hallway. Noah yanked me back.

"What the hell are you doing?" We can't go in there!" He yelled. "We'll get burned alive."

I looked him straight in the eyes. "Oh, I'm not dying in here. I have survived too much to be taken down by a fire. I won't let you die in here either." I yanked him to go with me, using what little vampire strength I had left. He tried to dig his heels into the floor. I was determined. Somehow I knew that we would make it through that fire and would be fine. I began to sprint, Noah protesting behind me as I dragged him.

I leapt into the fire, taking Noah with me.


Will they make it? What happened to the facility?


- Z

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