Blood For Blood

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Chapter 2

I was holding Mommy's hand as we walked down the sidewalk. She kept a firm grip on my hand as we walked towards the street to cross it. Mommy had just picked me up from school. I was wearing my favorite Powerpuff Girls shirt with a matching backpack. I was praised by my teacher and was telling Mommy all about it. She was listening intently, making sure not to miss a detail.

"That's great honey, I'm so proud of you." Mommy smiled down at me.

I felt myself grow with pride. I smiled my toothless grin at her. "Thank you, Mommy!" I spoke very loudly. Other people looked at us, some smiled at cuteness. We had gotten a good distance away from the school, passing by businesses on our way. Mommy had suddenly stopped. I stopped too and looked up at her, wondering why we stopped.

I heard shouting in the distance. Groups of people were gathered around, cheering. I saw the cars that were carrying the soldiers returning from war. Many people were cheering at them, while the trucks with the soldiers were playing loud music. The music hurt my ears.

"Mommy, what's happening? Who are they?" I looked at her, waiting for to answer. Mommy didn't say anything, but her face went pale. Whatever she was looking at, it made her scared. I looked to where Mommy was looking and got confused. What were the soldiers holding?

"Ariella! Don't look!" Mommy yelled at me. It was too late, I had already saw. Everyone was still cheering for the soldiers, but the cheers increased when the soldiers held up a severed head, the head of a vampire. Mommy tried to cover my eyes. I could feel Mommy's hands shaking. She was scared, which scared me.

"Come on." She lifted me up and started walking briskly away. I put my face in her neck, trying not to look at the crowd of people cheering. Mommy's black hair tickled my face. Before we turned the corner, I got one last look at the crowd of crazy people, now throwing around the head, laughing, cheering.


Darkness. It covered me like a blanket. I knew my eyes were open, but there was only darkness looking back at me. I remembered what happened with the soldier in the alley, and immediately my heart stopped. I had to get out of here. I felt around, feeling the cool steel I was laying on. I slowly sat up, hissing when I felt the sting in my abdomen. It hurt, but it looks like the bullet was no longer there. I slowly lowered my feet to the ground; I was barefoot. The ground was cold as well. I wanted to see, but was to weak to use my powers.

"Hello?" I whispered.

My voice echoed throughout the room I was in. I heard no response. I started feeling scared, being alone in the dark room. I took a couple of steps into the darkness, moving slowly. I kept slowly moving forward, reaching my hand out. My hand eventually hit, what I was pretty sure was a wall. The wall was as cold as everything else in the room.

"Is anybody there?" I called out, louder this time.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a blinding light. I covered my eyes, not used to the light. I heard a beep fill the room, as well as a voice.

"I see you have finally woken up, vampire."

The voice was cold,but I noticed it was a male's voice. I looked around. The room wasn't very big. A metal slab was sticking out of the wall, what I woke up on. The walls were white, as was the floor. There was a sink and a toilet. An intercom was attached to the wall, where the voice was coming from. I looked down, I was wearing a hospital gown, with only underwear to provide cover.

"Where am I?" I asked harshly. "What do you want with me?" I looked around the room, assessing it. My instincts were telling me to keep on my guard.

"I'm not at liberty to say our location, as for what we want, you will find out soon enough. You just need to sit there and be a good little vampire." The voice answered sardonically. I scowled at his answer.

"If you expect me to just sit here and be silent, you've got the wrong person buddy." I say, while smirking. "I am not some scared little girl, willing to obey with just one command."

There was a silence, then the beep.

"Is that so? We can't have that, now can we?" The voice answered coldly. "We want you to be scared, little vampire, you should be."

I jumped as I heard a click in the room. I heard the hiss of the locks from my door. I backed away from it. The door opened, two men entering. The first one was a tall, burly man with a beard. He had on a blue uniform. The second man I recognized instantly, the man from the alley.

"Hello, bitch. How's your stomach?" He asked, mocked.

I scowled, I hated this man, this human. He was a pig, an animal that deserved to be slaughtered. I stayed silent while he stared at me, waiting for a response.

"Not so sassy now, are we? Here's the deal, if you answer the nice man's questions, no one gets hurt, got it?" He started walking towards me.

I walked backwards, feigning fear. I wanted him to think I feared him. I was getting out of here, no matter who had to die for it. He reached out for me, and I saw my chance. I was quick, not as quick as I wanted to be, since I was still weak. I jumped on him, clawing him on his face. He screamed out in pain. My vampire side loved the sight of his blood, yearned for more of it. I was so lost in my bloodlust, I didn't see the other man coming until it was too late. His foot had connected with my face. I fell to the floor, moaning in pain as my nose bled. The bearded man began kicking my side, not letting me get in any air. I felt a rib crack, and I screamed in pain. I looked at his foot rearing back for another kick. I gathered my strength and grabbed his foot. I yanked his foot towards me and bit into his ankle. The bearded man screamed, trying to kick me off. I tasted his blood in my mouth, and began greedily drinking it. My teeth grew as the blood rejuvenated my strength.

I pushed the bearded man's leg away. I got up quickly, thrusting my hand up, palm hitting the bearded mans nose up. He yelled out in pain and fell. I got on top of him, and began punching him over, and over again. He tried to put his hands up to defend himself, but it was useless. Like a rabid animal, I bit into his arm, taking a chunk out. I loved his screams of pain, it excited me more. In the reflection of his eyes, I could see my glowing red ones. Suddenly, more men poured into the room, yanking my off the bearded man. I began moving around wildly, trying to get them to let go. I was screaming, sounding like a crazy girl. The man from the alley was being helped up. He looked at me.

"You'll pay for that, you blood sucking whore!" He spit at me. He was holding a cloth to his bloody face.

"Paybacks a bitch." I yelled back. "Don't think we're even yet, I will kill you!" I spat. My bloodlust was consuming me, I wanted to kill all these useless beings, weak beings. I wanted their blood to paint these walls.

The guards holding me, dragged me over to the metal slab. The shoved me on it, holding me down. I was bucking my hips up, they had trouble holding me down. One man's grip loosened and I managed to grab him. I yanked him towards me and bit into his neck, taking a chunk out, I spit the chunk out as the men screamed holding his neck. He was bleeding out. I felt myself smile, the blood coating my face.

More men came in, all holding me down. Through the chaos, I saw a women come in, wearing a white lab coat. Her hair was blonde, wrapped in a bun on the back of her head. She was holding a needle.

"This should calm her." Her eyes were cold as she looked down at me. I bared my fangs at her, growling viciously.

The men held me down as she stuck the needle in my neck. Whatever was in the needle, it burned as it coursed through my body. It felt like my blood was boiling. I screamed in agony. I wanted the pain to stop. My vision began to get dark. The last thing I saw before I passed out was the blonde woman grinning down at me, an insane look in her eyes.

Hey, it's me. Back from the mystical land of stress.
Sorry for not being here, I have had quite a busy time. BUT HAVE NO FEAR, MY LOVELY READERS. I plan to write more frequently now.

Tell me your thoughts, it would help.
- Z

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