50 // the end

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The shiny, black casket was slowly being lowered into the ground. Everyone gathered around had hot tears dripping down their faces. Women's perfect mascara now ruined and men's faces now red and blotchy.

I wasn't crying.

It sounds insensitive, but I wasn't. I'd cried everyday for the past four days but today, nothing. I tried to cry and nothing came out. There wasn't a single tear left in me.

My attention was averted from the diminishing casket to the short woman next to me, Jeannie. Jeannie was Terrance's mother. The last time I saw her was when she was over at our house for Thanksgiving. Back then she was full of happiness. Now, the only emotion inside of her was sadness, excruciating sadness.

She had her petite face buried into her small, arthiritis-ridden hands. I draped my arms around her, pulling her close to me.

She was a small woman. Her head only reached to my chest and as soon as I pulled her to me she buried her face into it. I hugged her tight because I knew what it felt like to lose someone. I hugged her because I knew what it felt like to lose your whole world.

She didn't deserve to feel like this.

No one does.

She pulled away from me and placed her shaking hands on my hot cheeks.

"Terrance," she paused and let out a small sob, "Terrance, he thought of you as his daughter. You meant the world to him Jordyn."

I pulled her back in for a hug, blinking an enormous amount of tears back.

"He was my best friend," I whimpered into her ear.

"And you were his," She pulled away once again to wipe the tears that were now running down my face.

We both smiled at each other with tears running down our cheeks.

Jeannie's finger pointed to something behind me. I turned around to see, discovering Ashton.

He was released from the hospital yesterday. He was doing better, he was still on heavy duty pain medication though.

He hobbled over to us on his crutches.

"Jeannie," he breathed. He tried to hold his arms out, but failed.

Jeannie walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him. They exchanged a few words and Jeannie turned back to me and sent me a sad smile before she left to talk to others.

Ashton's eyes locked with mine. We both just stood there, him in his suit and I in my black dress.

He grabbed onto his crutches and hobbled closer to me.

"Can we talk?" He asked me, his face was red and blotchy from crying earlier.

I looked around before replying to him. My parents were currently talking and crying with Jeannie.

"Okay." I followed slowly behind him as he led me to a bench, a little bit away from the rest of the crowd.

"Oh God," Ashton said as he plopped down onto he bench. He laid his crutches on the ground beside the bench.

"Be careful, Ash," I laughed lightly, placing my hand on his arm.

He looked at my hand and then back up to my eyes.

"You know, I feel something every time you touch or look at me." He sent me a small smile as he said these words.

"Jordyn," he paused to run his fingers through his now short hair, "I was having problems when we broke up and I was too scared to talk to you about them. I've talked to someone though, I'm better."


"Just, let me finish," He interjected as he lowered himself to the ground. He pulled a small box out of his pant pocket and ran his thumb over the smooth velvet.

My mouth dropped open as he opened the black box.

A small diamond ring laid inside.

"Now, it looks like I'm proposing to you and I'm not going to deny saying that because, I sorta am. Jordyn, I want nothing else than to spend the rest of my life with you and I know we're fucking young, but I will wait as long as I have to so that we can be together. I love you Jordyn Achsa Ellis, will you marry me?" His green eyes were filled with tears as they looked up at me expectantly.

I just sat there, still in shock, looking back at him.

I already knew what I wanted.

My hand moved from my lap to in front of him.

"Yes, Drummer Boy." I smiled as tears slipped out of both of our eyes. Before he slipped the ring onto my finger I helped him back onto the bench because I could tell he was in pain sitting on the ground.

"I've never been so fucking happy until I met you." He whispered as he placed the ring on my finger.

I didn't say anything as I pulled his face to mine, our lips connecting for the first time in what felt like forever. This kiss didn't feel like any of the others, it felt so much more passionate.

"I love you so much Ashton," I whispered against his lips before kissing him again. His fingers tangled themselves into my hair as he kissed me back before pulling away.

"Forever and Always."

We both sat there and smiled at each other. Things were looking up.

"Oh!" I exclaimed as I reached into my purse. I dropped a copy of my documentary in his hands. Ashton squinted as he read the sticker that was on the case.

"Los Angeles' Fourth Annual Premiere Film Festival, First Place," his jaw dropped as he read the last part. "Jordyn!"

"Thank you, for letting me do the documentary on you," I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him, "because of you and this documentary I was accepted into the New York Film Academy."

"Jordyn, I am so proud of you."

I pulled back and placed my hand on his cheek. He sent me a smirk as he laughed to himself.


"I'm going to do a documentary on you now, Jor." I rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you going to call it?" I asked, letting out a laugh.

"She's Into Drummers."



Two years. TWO FRICK FRACKIN' YEARS THAT THIS STORY HAS BEEN A PART OF MY LIFE. Thank you to each and ever single one of you for reading, commenting, and favoriting. I cannot thank you all enough. This story has reached almost 70 thousand reads, I honestly thought I'd be lucky if I got 10. You all are so amazing and this story wouldn't be a success without you. This story is dedicated to you.

Love you,


P.S. Check out 'Gone' or 'Valedictorian', they're my other fanfics that I can now spend more time on. OH AND I NOW HAVE A RANT BOOK. 'Confessions from Room 115' is a book about all the annoying and weird things that I experience now that I'm in college. Hopefully you find it entertaining. :-)

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